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Exploring Stuttgart Train Station

Hello Wednesday Walkers!

After last week's walk in Croatia, I return today back to my train stations in Germany™ series. Today I will share with you my walk around Stuttgart train station.

It was my first time in Stuttgart and the first thing I notice is that there is a really cool vibe here. I don't know if it is the feel of the train station, the city or some good weather. But there was for sure a good vibe feeling being here.

Arriving at the station by train, I notice there is a lot going on and plenty of hustle and bustle. I took a photo of the double-deck ICE train opposite.

However, something on another platform caught my eye. There was an old-style train called the "Roter Flitzer" parked up and groups of people were huddled up to travel on it. Checking their website I could see that this train is either for tourists or people who book work events or birthday parties on it.

I thought it looked really cool so took a photo of the driver's cabin.

Exploring the platforms further, I found a nice covered waiting room. Most people were however in the smoking areas that weren't covered. There were plenty of bottles left here for the "pfand" (deposit) collectors too. I'm not sure who was drinking so much in a train station.

Walking further out along the platforms, I was on my own as most people were staying inside the station.

Compared to some other stations I had seen, despite the busyness and building works, the station was pretty clean and well kept.

I headed back into the main area linking all the platforms and then headed down to where there was an underground area linking nearby streets. So you could travel over or underground to reach the station.

The train station is part of a massive project I think called Stuttgart 21 where the train station should be renovated and updated. However, as with the Berlin airport, it is massively delayed and behind schedule.

I walked towards the underground part of the station and you need to go along a huge walkway and I took a photo of the building site. There isn't much going on, but it is a Sunday.

Heading back to the main station area, I saw there was a special train station hospice that is dedicated to helping the homeless.

The hospice was closed today but they were taking donations. Details of the mission you can find here.

I then saw there was a free exhibition about the Stuttgart 21 project. It was just a room with details of the project and it looked like three students were working there having fun showing the exhibit to interested people.

There was just an elderly couple there with me and when asked if they would like a tour said no and left as quickly as possible.

The final thing I wanted to capture before I left was probably the smallest Burger King in the world.

That wraps up my walk for today.


All photos are my own.
Title images created in Canva.

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