Wednesday Walk || Krueng Geukuh International Port

Hello all friends, how are you today, I hope we are still in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.

On this very happy song day I want to show you some pictures on the way to some places. Walking while enjoying the beauty that exists is certainly something that is liked by many people because it can entertain themselves with fun things. After going to several places that have beauty and beautiful views and of course my feelings are very pleasant with the conditions and beauty that exist.

In fact, in recent times I have rarely been able to go for walks, either on Wednesdays or other days because I am busy at work, so I haven't taken a vacation in the past few weeks. But when I have an opportunity like my journey that I want to show this of course this is a very happy thing for me when I see the outside world which is so beautiful and so amazing. I went with my friends from noon to evening to see the external conditions in our area.

I went to several places in Aceh Province, Indonesia, one of the places I visited was the port for large ships in the North Aceh district in Aceh Province. Close to the port, besides we can enjoy the beauty of the ships that are there and we can also see other beauties and other customs such as people who are fishing on the rocks in a location near the port . This port functions for several types of ships and this port does not function as a cruise ship but at this port it is only stopped by tankers and cargo ships. Because it is close to this port there are several large companies engaged in the natural gas section and in the fertilizer section. So we can say this port is a port in Aceh province which is a large port. All right, friends, let's take a look at some of the pictures that I have prepared below.

Krueng Geukuh Port is one of the ports in North Aceh district and more precisely in the Krueng Geukuh area. This port is ready for export or import of goods from within the country and from abroad. And this port has been considered an international port by the local government. In the past, in the 70s, North Aceh was known as the Dollar petro area because this area was considered to be a large number of large companies that were exploited by foreign people and Paid in US dollars, So if the people of Aceh go to a profession in another province, they are called people who live in petrodollar areas.This area was so famous in the 70s and it's a shame that at this time some of the natural products in the area no longer exist and have been greatly reduced, so now this area It is considered as a normal area.Lots of people who live in the North Aceh district who enjoy their days off to this place,In addition, this place is also very nice and very beautiful, so everyone who visits can certainly enjoy the conditions and the buildings are very good.

In the province of Aceh, Indonesia, there are only a few large ports like the one I'm presenting here. Because the Aceh region is still in a state that is still very underdeveloped,Of course when people go to this place it is a place that is already very luxurious and very modern. As for me, this dish is really very good and very extraordinary. Usually I see small fishing boats but when I go to this port of course I can see ships with very large and very beautiful sizes.

There are large rocks arranged very neatly on the edge of the harbor. Communities whose hobby is fishing, of course this place is one of the best places for us to do fishing.Besides we can enjoy fishing and we can also see beautiful scenery and the location of the fishing is indeed very strategic.Lots of people go here using fishing rods and they sit on the rock while fishing and relaxing with the very cold wind that is in this port.But I myself really don't like or don't have a hobby in terms of fishing, so when I went to this port I only saw them fishing, I was happy.

There are several species of fish in this area, and on the way to this port there are several places selling fishing bait.So people who go here before they get here, of course, they buy fishing bait first,Because in this Port location it is not allowed to sell such as fishing bait and other things.

How many stands were built close to the port, the height of these stands is around 10 m.Above this steadfast peak there is a light and it seems that this function is for fishing communities that sail at night. Because this place besides functioning for large ships, there is also a place to insinuate small boats or fishing boats that catch fish around the sea. So the fishermen in that area can store their ships near this port which has been provided a special place for them.

From this port we can see a small town in North Aceh district, namely the city of Krueng Geukuh, We can see very clearly the condition of the city that is there from a little distance.

Besides the view from the big ships, I also went to the harbor where the small boats or fishing boats were looking for fish. There are lots of fishing boats looking for fish in this location. They make these little boats with colorful decorations that are so beautiful when we see them. The role of fishermen is of course very beneficial with this place as a place to sail their boats. And this is also called a place for collecting fish from their catch.Indeed, at that time when I was here, of course I was very fascinated by the conditions and activities that existed in the area of ​​these fishing boats.

I had two pictures taken by my friend when I was in the port area. And maybe these pictures will become my memorable pictures and I always keep them in a safe place on my Smartphone so that later one day when I see these pictures still exist.

All right, friends, here are some pictures with extraordinary beauties for my Wednesday trip. Hopefully with some of these pictures all friends can like and become a happy picture when we see it.Thank you to all my friends who have given me the opportunity and I am very grateful to still be able to display my pictures here.That's all from me on this very happy Wednesday and see you again next Wednesday.

This is my entry for the #WednesdayWalk challenge by @tattoodjay .

Camera UsedCanon
Model600 D
LocationAceh, Indonesia
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