Sunny Wednesday Walk On The Beach


It's Wednesday. Two steps have passed since the weekend, and only two more until the start of the new weekend. Right in the middle, as the backbone of these working days, Wednesday must be marked in a special way. With a nice walk, for example?


Oh yes. And not just a walk, it was a beautiful sunny walk that happened today. Sunny #WednesdayWalk.


These days the weather is exceptional. It was already nice yesterday and they announced even warmer for today (and even higher air temperatures for tomorrow). We decided to walk on a beach that is a little further away from us. We drove halfway, and we walked the rest. The place where we walked is called L'Olla, and it is a part of the city of Altea. L’Olla Beach is one kilometre long and with this beautiful sun we had today, I think we have replenished our vitamin D reserves.


First of all, there is one small leisure port Porto Senso. You can rent a kayak, canoe, scooter, paddle surf ... But if you just want to swim, it is also a very good idea.


You can go swimming and snorkelling towards a small island Illeta de l’Olla, enjoying the seabed. The large section of Posidonia oceanica meadow gives home to many fish species.


As there can be boats circulating around, we have buoys attached with a rope that creates a corridor for swimmers.


I’ve dived here many times before, and it’s really beautiful. I am happy to have at least one part of the coast that is not destroyed by tourism, and where fish, octopuses, starfish and other species of marine animals live in their environment.


But not only that makes this part of the city and the beaches special. One part is reserved for animals.


Dogs are not allowed on other beaches, but you can bring them here, and not only dogs, but also other pets. Maybe you can bring a horse, if you have one. But I've always only seen dogs.



There are the rules you need to follow.
Reading this rule board I laughed at the last item. It says a maximum of three animals per person. I imagined that if you had a flock of sheep, you couldn’t bring them to bathe in the sea, lol.


I especially love this part with palm trees and boats on the shore.



This crab is a symbol of a small restaurant, which is usually open in summer. Now even if it was summer, it could not be opened due to a lockdown.



This was an old port, before the new ones were made. Now just boats on shore and an old house can be seen..





Along the length of the beach, we have a small path, if you do not want to walk on the pebbles.




In some parts, the shade of conifers is there to refresh you on a hot summer day. Since it’s not summer, but it was still warm, we paused for a bit. But not in the shade.


There are also interesting rocks that surround this whole part of the city. They are very strange as if carved.



Nature is extraordinary. A whole huge part, the cliff is like this. Slowly, it erodes every year and changes its appearance. I suppose I will not live enough to find out how big differences can bring erosion.


I enjoyed today’s sunny walk and the little boats on the shore. Did you like this walk too? Any comments and welcome. Thanks for your time.


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