Reading between white ornaments on the celestial canvas


Mesmerizing clouds completely occupied the celestial canvas this Sunday. I thought it was just a special weekend edition of the blue natural tarp, but the same scene was visible today. I saw those white, heavy clouds between the mountains and the sea when we were coming home from the hospital with my son... but I was not surprised anymore. I have the feeling that they have been here for a while, but the truth is that they have been dancing elegantly on this stage just for the last few days.


Entertaining the humans that are observing them while they appear and disappear, in a slow, almost invisible manner. That's because the sky is like an illusionist, it changes its white clothes without us realizing when this actually happens.


Do you think the clouds just play on that blue sky their travelling game without a destination? Or do they have a schedule and an estimated time of arrival on the other side of the mountain? Is it a walk, as we are doing on Hive on Wednesdays? I doubt they have to pay attention to traffic lights, signs, letters, words, messages or roads.


Usually, we say that clouds are floating in the sky, but we all know that we are in a walking post. And that walk that happened on Sunday afternoon was undoubtedly accompanied by these beautiful masses of water drops or ice crystals. That's why they are here as I was overwhelmed by their presence. Even as we were with our friends, and walked to the neighbour town by the seashore just clouds were captured by my phone. Well, almost.


Eventually, I remembered to take a photo of the place where we arrived. The entrance to the ice cream shop, "Jijonenca" where we took coffee and ice cream. They say it is a good one... but it's not always how the others say but what we experience. I was not delighted with the stracciatella I had on the terrasse of that place. It had too many chocolate chips {for my taste}.


Later, a realization came to my friend - she was missing her wallet. We entered to ask the waitresses whether they saw it... No luck.


End of the world because of a missing wallet? No, of course not, but it is the end of this cloudy post, with a decoration on the wall in Jijonenca. Actually, the real ending is our return while observing the same clouds, with their same riddles.



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