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One evening - with feathers, ornaments and handicrafts


The feather from the woods from the other day, that was stuck in the bush now makes sense...
I know whose feater it was.


Of course, it was mine just in case we believe in the story of Phoenix and how that bird dies before being born again. I know, I know, it is just a myth but today I need to believe in that mythical creature. It helps me to get up and try to have a normal schedule I usually have.

A walk would be good, perfect actually, but I am also happy to share a walk that happened some ten days ago, in the town of La Nucia. There were also some feathers, used for dreamcatchers.


It was a craft market that was part of the Christmas Fair organized by the town. We went there in the late afternoon when the Christmas decorations and the lights could be appreciated.


The Christmas tree is in the middle of the square, in front of the church. The palm trees were also dressed in lights.


The market displayed both Christmas-related items and those that we see in craft markets, regardless of the season. The items that were specially designed for the upcoming holiday were decorations for the tree, candles and even cookies. I bought one pack of this for my son.


From this stall, I purchased one wallet, with a flower. After our stroll through this market, I called my son to meet him and deliver him and his girlfriend these little, unexpected gifts.



The walk through the market was nice, I stopped in almost every stall and although I bought some little gifts I regret not purchasing some of these handmade ornaments. They were very cute.



But to be honest, many other items were nice and cute and we can't go home packed with everything we see. And we saw also ceramic angels and little Christmas trees, warm slippers for winter days, and a lot of colourful pieces of soap and scented candles:

More of these ceramic handmade items could be seen, such as ceramic bowls and plates, jewellery, pendants, and plaques with inscriptions. These were funny: Cuidado con el dragón [Beware of the dragon] for dragon owners 😂, and Cuidado con el gato (Beware of the cat) for cat owners.

One of the things that made this market different from the others was the fact that all the items were handmade and unique. Every stall had a number and after you checked out the whole market you could vote for the most interesting items and craftsman.

All of them were so nice, but I had two favourites. The stall with the dolls was one of them. The lady who made them danced with one of the crazy, bearded dolls 😁



And my other favourite was the stall with these lamps - carved pumpkins. How elegant and beautiful they are!



As it usually happens in these craft markets, you can buy some sweet treats. Cotton candy, churros or chestnuts... you all know which one is my preferred one from this offer, don't you? However, seeing the cotton candy board made me remember one of my nieces. When she was small we couldn't leave a market like this one without buying her cotton candy!

