Feeding the soul with gorgeous views


The biggest surprise I gave myself today was this short morning walk. It was unimaginable that I would fit it into the schedule, but as you can see, a miracle happened. Between a piano practice time and other tasks that waited for me later, a rehearsal, work and more work, I managed to fit in a short visit to the seashore. In reality, it is super close to my home, so it didn't affect my schedule heavily. Anyway, I needed a bit of sun and to enjoy the blue sky and white clouds.


I arrived very quickly there but walking just on the promenade would not be as interesting as going down to the water. I had an idea to take off my shoes and step with my feet into the sea. Today we write the last day of November, and the weather is still so good. It was 20 grades Celsius, I know it because the big thermometer that is placed on the promenade showed that number. But even without knowing the number, I would guess that the temperature is around that number as I had a hoodie that I had to take off. It became too warm while I was walking there.


The small pebbles on the beach were also enjoying sunbathing, although they don't have a lot of choices. They are there, sometimes in the deep water when the waves take them, and other times outside, enjoying the temperatures and the sunshine. I guess you already know that I like pebbles, however, it is not easy to walk on them when you want to enter the water and swim. There are parts of the beach where there is more sand and other spots where the pebbles took control. Until I have shoes, it's not a problem to walk there. No feet ache ;)


My walk continued up, on the pavement, and you can also see on the board the aforementioned temperature. 20ºC. It was an enjoyable time for everyone who walked there and for those who decided to sit on the bench and talk.


We have some benches called Happy to Chat bench. If you fancy chatting with random people and socialising with others, or if you want to share some moments from your day with someone - you have the opportunity. Take a seat on one of those benches! Maybe there are things that are easier to share with strangers or just talk about casual topics... If you are not shy to do that!


The pigeons certainly talked about their secret subjects. I didn't understand what they were talking about, but they took a nice seat - at the top of the beach library. Who knows, maybe they read some books too. Maybe they were gossiping about the seagulls or making plans how to get some food from people. It will remain a mystery.



By that beach library, there is a children's playground. Not many of them were playing this morning there, as they are in the school during the morning hours. Just one little girl was playing in the sand. We could see much more activity here in the afternoon, but that is not the time I could be here anymore. It was just my short walk on the seashore and I had to go back to continue with my things. I would go directly home, but one additional thing caught my attention. The street I have to walk through to reach my home had a nice surprise.


That surprise was one cactus that had beautiful flowers. There were more cacti, a whole row of them, but just this one had flowers. Two big, red flowers.



I remember that in this row of cacti, some time ago another one bloomed but I didn't get to take a photo of it. Today I had luck! I suppose the flowers don't last for many days.


And if we talk about flowers. Yesterday @glade1989 posted a flower she saw during her walk, the Bird of paradise flower (Strelitzia). I mentioned to her that we also have these flowers here but in slightly different colours. That was easy! In front of my building, in the small garden part we have, there are two Strelizia plants. Among the green big leaves, two nice flowers were showing their grace.



The short walk finished indeed in a record time, but anyway I was happy to be able to feed my eyes and soul with some lovely views. Flowers, pebbles and of course, white clouds above the sea! 💙



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