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A sandy island in the middle of the river


Not all waters are the same. There are deep waters that hide uncertainty and we remain on the edge, indecisive about whether to jump into them. We have been looking at those waters for a long time... time passes. Should we jump into that adventure, which can be refreshing but also unclear at the same time? Should we dare to take that step and try to swim in it? Sometimes a little friendly push is enough to make a decision. However, I believe that the only friend who should push you is yourself, but then you run the risk of staying there on the shore forever.

On the other hand, there are waters that you know very well and for which a small boat, a sand island and your feet are enough to walk in them. Today we will do exactly that, walk in shallow water on a sand island in the middle of the Danube River. Perhaps the only danger is an insect, a horsefly that bit my leg that day. I think you remember that incident I mentioned here.


To get there we have to take a boat. From the marina, we passed by a shipwreck that I thought would be cool to capture, even though we almost left it behind. I had my phone somewhere on the bottom of my backpack.

We met other ships too, not just that shipwreck. This was a cargo ship, and later a passenger ship also passed by, much more beautiful, but I was busy filming my walk in the water so I don't have a picture of that ship.


This sand island has become quite a popular site nowadays. People are coming with little boats to enjoy an afternoon on the river, the same as we do. I still remember those days, years ago, when we were almost the only people there; it was so calm then.



We set up a small fishing net between the boat and a pole stuck in the sand in the water. But we didn't get dinner from this activity, this was more just for fun and for feeling the fishing atmosphere.




The sun and the clouds were playing hide and seek. :)


So, we are getting to the walking part of this post. As always, I went barefoot across the island as that is the normal behaviour here. You see that also birds, dogs and other people do the same! The proof is the footprints in the sand:




The river carries branches and trees downstream. This is probably how this tree got here into the middle of this island - when the water level went down, the tree stayed.


You can see it in the video footage too, also how there are other little branches, grass and vegetation that the river brought here with itself. Also, you will notice the different colours of the sand. When it is darker it is still wet sand. The white sand is there where it is completely dry already.

This part (here I am walking in the water) is between the island and the forest. Here the water is shallow and calmer. We have to take care anyway as there are deeper parts in the water that come by surprise.




Walking on the island and in the river video footage: šŸŽ„

This is the last photo from the boat when we were already going home, taking with me the horsefly bite as a souvenir! šŸ˜‚


source of music used as background music in the video.


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