The Bark Walk

Hey! Good evening! Hope everyone´s fine at this time of the Pandemic!

My topic for my walk today are barks, yes barks of trees encountered during my walk adventure at the National Park. I am still editing my images taken the last weeks.... I might as well give you idea that in almost all of the swamps that I have visited, most have barks in and around the water. The function of these barks I supposed is to help water birds and other animals to land onto something hard when they get out of the water. The barks make me smile whenever I see them, it also gives protection to the animals or insects however small against predators.


This log had been sick and they had to cut it off , funnily it looks like a toilet in the old days.... Lol! I saw this while trekking to the Josefsteg.


These barks must have been so old, just have a look at the structure of its surface!



The pathways of the Park are well kept so that bikers, walkers, nordic-walkers, and runners would feel good surrounded by greens all over. This is really a recreational area for the locals to enjoy.


I have read that that there are about hundreds of thousands of trees that comprise the forest of the Donau-Auen National Park. When these tree are attacked by parasites, the Forest Management cut the trees and leave them either along the pathways or use them to break the flow of water in the swamps.


More and more swamps ran out of water particularly on hot summer days. But when snow melts, these barks are very helpful in slowing the flow of the water.


When it rains during consecutives days, these barks help a lot and could save domestic animals and birds and perhaps plants.



If ever you´re able to come to Vienna, do not forget to experience the Lobau, you can bike and could even reach all the way to the border of Slovakia which is around 38 kilometers from Vienna. The bike routes are well labelled and I am sure you will enjoy biking since you could enjoy seeing the greens contrasted with the blue skies when the sun shines.


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GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo

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