My Wednesday walk took me to my previous meeting


My personal experiences never lack interesting incidents.
Last night I met a young lady who actually preached the word of God to me with the intention of leading me to Christ afterwards. I allowed her, she talked so well siting bible verses for clarity, I'm a good listener, her zeal and passion reminded me of someone.Then she asked if I'm "Born again" I told her "Yes" so she said I should share with her how it happened and when. Roughly 10 years ago but I remember that day as if it's yesterday.Mummy Nwagbogu took me to the final day of their church program in her church,had successfully eluded her the first two days of the program with excuses.
But she won't have another excuse that evening.The words coming out of the man of God wasn't only crystal clear but piercing my heart, after then comes prayers and altar call, I didn't know how I got to the stage that night all I remembered was someone tapping me and when I looked up I was soaked with sweat with few traces of goosebumps. Something happened to me that night I just don't know how to explain it in words but I really felt something supernatural that night, this came after instances of many altar calls and confessions of the mouth and believing with heart, on one occasion after telling mummy Nwagbogu that I wasn't ready to surrender my life to christ, she got angry and said...img_20220102_011252_1.jpg

"Victor go down on your knees and confess your sins, Daddy lead him to christ, every time he's not ready yet what if rapture takes place this minute"?
šŸ™„šŸ™„ In my mind I was like so it's now by force? I confessed my sins and say some words after daddy but not from my heart and nothing happened, I left and unapologetically committed another sin immediately.
Don't deceive yourself by thinking you are deceiving God and the man of God. If anointing no carry you don't fake or try to help the man of God by falling. It's a personal race and God can't be mocked, when you seek him in all honesty.....img_20211020_105044_0_2.jpg
You will find and experience him in his fullness like I did that Wednesday night 21st of march 2012, it had not been a spotless journey couple of slacks and forgetting who I am but I find a way to rededicate myself every time I fall off, I pray he gives me the grace to sustain intelligence and making the right choices to know that heaven is the ultimate goal.
I look forward to listening to your own experience so we can encourage one another.img_20220101_210433_2.jpg


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