Wednesday Walk: Garbage On The Seashore

How to understand that the heart is full of gratitude? Gratitude of all that beauty that surrounds us. When you want to do something selfless, without deduction, it means that you have peace and tranquility in your heart.

I love to collect shells on the seashore, but today I collected plastic. Yes, yes, I really want us all to do this. The most important things are in the everyday, and I certainly don't do it every day, but if I want to do it, I know that everything is fine.

When I go for a walk on the beach or in the forest, I often have a bag to collect garbage. I pick up them with intensity and believe that the Universe repays in various ways. And this is a lesson to my children too. they learn fro, an early age to respect nature, the environment and pick up their own garbage.

And so, yesterday, there was a storm, but today the sea looked calm already. After lunch, I went for a walk with my kids on the seashore and took a bag for the garbage with myself.

The sea throws loads of plastic bottles, various packages and other garbage. It is possible to watch with pity how the sea tries to give the people who live here all the garbage thrown by them, which prevents it from breathing. And with each breath it takes what it can still "digest": dead fish, dead crabs, food scraps, peels of eaten fruits, leaves... It's scary how much homo sapiens is able to pollute nature, the environment in which they live.

The dog belongs to our neighbors, our children happily take it for a walk on the beach.

As my rented house stays on the shore and trail through yard leads to the sea, we decided to clean a big part of seashore from the trash sea decided to return back to us.

We had a pleasant walk and, at the same time, we were happy bringing a big bad of trash to recycle bin.

The sea started sinking into a blue surreal fog. The furious wind cough us again through our coats, blows our hair. It was time to go home. Wind always brings change. That's how it is in life...

Our hands do many things during the day without which we cannot imagine life. With our hands, we can either create beauty around us or destroy everything. With our own hands, we can collect garbage, clean the house and the environment - or crawl in the mud, throw garbage.

Our hands are good regardless of what they do. They only show what we are. They do what we think about.


With love @madeirane
Photos are taken by me.
Β© 2024.+

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