Poplar-city walk, no poplar trees spotted

Translating "Topolovgrad" in English, literally would mean "City of Poplars" or "Poplar city". It is a small city in the Southeastern part of Bulgaria, once a place concentrating many trade routes and with a big tobacco factory.

Nowadays this is all in the past. For instance, the bigger part of the cars I saw on the streets were having foreign plate numbers, just people, crossing Bulgaria on their way to Greece and Turkey.

We parked our car on the parking behind the colorful letters of the city name and our walk began...

The first thing I noticed were the wooden decorations of that house, built in the previous millennium.

The street plate says "Street Bulgaria". That's the main street, for pedestrians only, having the most of the local shops and stores. Some other businesses as well.

One curios red-headed citizen :)

Many beautiful architectural ornaments:

Isn't that an original way to show the best dress for sale ;)

The sign on an old abandoned kiosk, saying "Newspapers and Magazines":

One photo shop, out of business too, with the evidence of the round whole in the window, probably left by the tubes and the chimney of a wooden stove:

A bit dirty tied national flag:

These two plates were interesting to document.

"Dr. Sakarski
Ears - Nose - Throat"

Topolovgrad lays withing the beautiful Sakar mountain, hence the name of that doctor?

The second plate below says, well, all caps lock, so that's shouting instead:

"Painless placement of medical earrings"

Another business I see for a very first time below. The plate says:

"Water-meter workshop". With a phone number of four digits, also from the previous millennium.

Monument of a local hero:

The local community culture center.

Water fountain at a big square at the end of Bulgaria street:

Same-style advertisements of local businesses:

I wonder who is she waiting for? Probably just watching the traffic...

Traces of history:

The domes of the church and the bell tower:

Now this plate is a piece of historic art ;) It says:

"The cleanliness of the city is a measure of culture and education of its citizens."

Well, I couldn't agree more! :)

The plate was put on the wall of the abandoned huge tobacco factory.

Details of the metallic fence of the church:

The post box with the letters "G + I". I suppose the postman knows them well.

A few more angles from the abandoned tobacco factory:

I really hope there is a better future for the citizens of that city. Its past glory is still visible to me. I was a wonderful walk and I would visit it again in some time to check out the differences and its development.

One last note. I really didn't see any poplar trees! :) That's another side to research on my next visit!

I wish you all one Happy Wednesday!

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