Foggy nights but children are still outside

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

Winter's are on its peak here in our side, there's no sunshine and weather is foggy but unfortunately we don't have snow here because it's never snowfalling here in our city. But we've foggy weather for the all day and night.

Collage edited by my phone

We sister's spend all the day in our room and do gossips all the day as it's not sunny outside so we prefer to stay inside but today it's around 6pm, we think we should have a walk outside to feel the real cold.

It's really cold outside but when we decided to walk then we come out from home and we just walk on three to four streets and we walked for almost 30 minutes.

Different people turned on the lights on the street so it's never feel darkness on the streets and people can easily walk in night.

On some distance you can see light's also turned on, it means on different interval people turned the lights on, although electric bills are so high as electricity price become more high but still people turned on the lights outside their house, i think it's humanity.

On the next street, i see some children's playing some kind of games, i don't know what's they play but I asked to them don't you guy's feel cold outside and they said we're just free from studies now and now we want to play with friends together.

Children's never feel hot or cold, they just see the happiness and find happiness in little things while we elders prefer to stay at home during winter's and prefer to lay down straight on bed.

This reminds me about my childhood, when mom's stopped me to not to go outside in hot and cold weather but i prefer to play outside with friends.

We walked for almost 30 minutes there on streets, and did alot of gossips with sister's and believe me our laught become louder because there's no one on street and we're alone with our mom.

  • That's all for today and it's also for this week #Wednesdaywalk started by @tattoodjay. And all the pictures were captured by me.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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