Flower power for #WednesdayWalk #MakeMeSmile


It's another hump day and for today['s post I'll be sharing flower power, photos of lowers that I have taken before for #WednesdayWalk by @tattoodjay and #MakeMeSmile by @elizacheng.

Head on to @tattoodjay's latest post Wednesday Walk Jones Beach to know more about this collaboration.

Storm Florita is affecting our country so there is no chance for me to go out for a walk. I have to dig through my flower photo collection to find something that I could share here. Trying to find the magic through this stormy weather @littlebee4 and here it goes :D Thank goodness for flower, for nature because there is always something to talk about, to appreciate.

To my noise and read friends, you are probably familiar with these ones for I have posted these more than once I think and most probably even here in hive. Even so, those of you who have not seen it yet, I hope you'll appreciate these natural beauties.

The first four photos were collages of photos that I took around the park, around the lake to be precise. These are just some of the blooms that you can see there. I wanted to be up close and personal getting as close as I can as my phone's camera can clearly take a photo of. A morning walk at the park is not complete without showing appreciation to nature, admiring them is enough even though you don't have to take photos of them. I collaged those using Canva.

The fifth one was taken here in our apartment's yard. This is a tiny wild flower that grows around here.

The other photos were taken at our yard back home. It was around the time when it was just after our house burned town, after the dust have settled and we were cleaning the rubbles then, readying the plot for foundation. I took a break from the work that we were doing then to capture these photos. I walked around and focused on the little things that grow. I was using my clip-on macro lens that time and that lens give interesting views. Reminding me once again that how blessed we are for we have survived the fire and these flowers show that no matter what circumstance, no matter what life throws at us, we have to bloom. Life goes on.

I used my clip-on lens to capture all that except for the last one.

The last one was a throw in. I saw this in my collection while browsing and I suddenly miss the cafe where my partner had this flower tea. I think it was chrysanthemum. I'm not certain. That was a long time ago before COVID. I liked how it was framed by the glass like that. The condensation around the glass add more effect to the overall photo. It would be nice to savor a flower tea on this cold and rainy night.

Not only do flowers make you smile by showing you their beauty but also pleasuring you with tea.

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