Mile12 market tour

I went to Lagos state on Wednesday, a state where we have a population of over 20 million people
and I decided to walk through the market in mile12 so I took some pictures of the busy and crowded market.

there are varieties of food stuff in this market, of course it's a market,

in mile 12 market they sell different types of meats and fish but I couldn't get enough pics or too close to them

this woman sells cat fish, they put them in this black bowl with enough water to keep them alive.

this are cow legs, very good for collagen, and they are quite expensive.

these are sweet potatoes and they are cheaper than yams here

onions are very common in lagos.

these are people mostly notherners who carry loads for people to the bus, and they get paid.

they use wheel barrows too.

it's a very big market so I couldn't tour it all.

all photos are mine.

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