Stumbling on Tiffany Falls

Sometimes I feel a little stir crazy living at my in laws house. Actually I get a little stir crazy anywhere I am if I'm not doing something and keeping busy. I think it's just a little harder when you're not in your own element.

Sometimes just going for a walk with the dog or a light hike is enough to satisfy my boredom though.


On this day I did just that, I put the dog in his harness and grabbed his leash and headed out. Our dog sometimes fights the walk though. In those moments he acts like an anchor and makes us pull him along, much to our dismay. This was one of those days where he wouldn't budge. After I attempted to drag him for a few steps I decided to stop fighting it and just put him in his backpack to carry him.


That didn't go so well either. I was alone and it was struggle to get him in the bag. He kept pulling his arms out of the holds and not letting me securing him in there. Eventually I gave up and just put him back in the yard and went out on my own. It was his loss not mine.


There is a large green space close to my in laws home so I decided to take my walk there. The weather has been decent lately, fluctuating between highs of 15-20°C and lows of 0-5°C with a mix of sunny days and rain. This day was a cool but comfortable, with overcast skies but no rain. The trees are still quite barren here and haven't started to grow their leaves yet, but they likely will soon if we can get a few days in a row of sunshine.


I passed some moss covered rocks that added a nice green color to the brown and grey forest. I passed by the creek in there and followed a path up a hill and then went in a direction that I have never been before. It brought me down the small mountain and to a parking lot and then continued further on a groomed pathway and boardwalk. I noticed more people had gathered in the area so figured that it must be a decent hike. After just a short distance I came to a large waterfall and it dawned on me that this was Tiffany Falls.


I knew about the falls but had never been before and I didn't realize how close it was or how easy it was to get to. It was literally about a 15 minute walk from my in laws house and I have walked in those woods dozens of times so I'm really surprised that I had never seen it before.


The falls were actually quite impressive too. It's a 21 meter tall Cascade waterfall that had a pretty decent flow of water at this time. The best time to see it is in the spring I gather, when the snow melts and heavier rains add to its body. I'm guessing that it dries up quite a lot in the summer months when we go through our drought period.

I hung around for a little to take some photos of course.


I didn't set out to see the falls and it all happened by accident but it was a really nice thing to stumble upon. Now that I know it's there I'll have to head back at some point to see it again. Maybe the dog will be in the mood then to see it as well? I'd like to check it out in the winter as well when the whole thing freezes over. I hear that some people even do some ice climbing on it so it must be a pretty decent sheet of ice in the colder months.

Anyway, that's it for this #wednesdaywalk post. Have a good week everyone!

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