Walking around Wat Samphraya: changes and reminisce.

More and more temples have started to open for the public and tourists after the long lockdown of over a year. Monks were also affected by the fear mongering of the plandemic so all Buddhist temples were closed and became strangely quiet for a whole year. But I did venture out to walk around a few temples last year to survey the atmosphere in old temples and to visit some old friendly monk. I could sneak in through a side gate in these temples and walked around quietly. All the temple halls were closed and there was hardly any sign of monks in the temples. It was very unreal to see temples being closed and stopped daily evening chanting. All the good vibes from chanting sacred words stopped flowing at the time when people most needed them.




Very few people would venture out to temples during lockdown, but I had to see for myself how Buddhist monks reacted to fear of plandemic. Luckily I was allowed to walk around and took some photos; I was usually the only visitor daring to go around risking my life. With my research, well known Thai herbal medicine, famous Chinese herbs and vitamins, I knew I would be fine while my innate immune system was maintained in top form. It just stunned me that most people just followed television daily feeds.



During my visit to Wat Samphraya, I took the opportunity to deliver some Ivermectin and essential supplements to an old friendly monk. I found out by chance that all the monks and novices were given free injections during the last few months. Most of them just had the second shot about a few months ago. So, I was in a panic mode to deliver Ivermectin and other necessary supplements to the old monk in a few days. I just left the package at the front door and told him that he was shedding so I had to keep a distance. I also sent him lots of articles and interviews on the experimental gene therapy facts and relevant links.



He told me later that his heart dropped to the floor. I reminded him that Buddhists wouldn’t be afraid of death but should rather be afraid of not living properly according to Buddha’s teachings. We could only take the consequences of our good and bad karma with us after we met our death. So, we became more mindful of how we live each day. Fortunately, several bad effects on his body subsided after a few months. Recently, I was glad to see him looking much healthier though he lost more than five kilos in one month after the second jab. He was no longer shedding like crazy. Later, he told me he could smell very strong nasty scent from visiting monks who just got their third jabs. Then he understood why I said I could smell jabbed people from a few meters away.




It took this old monk several months of reading and chatting with me to finally understand the gist of the main issue going on in our society. I asked him to do more prayers and meditation in the main hall so that more positive vibes would spread around for healing. I urged him to alert other monks on the dangerous situation, but he said no one would belief him. It took him weeks to start believing what I was saying. The official narrative has been very powerful and dominant among most people. The propaganda campaign and brain washing schemes have been professionally executed by many professions.



The old monk was very cautious and didn’t want to receive funny look or hostile reactions from others brain washed monks. But he had the courage to persuade a few novices and a staff not to get their third jabs. I did ask him to take notes of all the monks’ jabs, the dates, names of poisons, the reactions of injured monks. The preliminary reports were quite startling; but it was sad to see healthy people becoming weaker with strange ailments. I decided to ask him to give Ivermectin to the old cooking staff at the temple. She was down with Covid symptoms for a week and had to stay home. Luckily she was persuaded not to take the booster jab. I knew I had put a friendly humble monk on the spot but I told him to talk to only trusting people whom he knew very well.




Things have been changing quite fast at this temple. We used to have a big offering of food for all the monks and novices once a year. The old cook would take my order on special menus for lunch that day and we would pay for all food and I would tip the old cook. We could no longer do that kind of offerings and chanting ceremony. The food hall and kitchen were empty and deserted. Food boxes are now distributed to monks and novices who have to eat separately in their quarters. There is no longer monks’ chanting in the morning and evening in the main hall. The soul of the temple seemed to have been injured by great scam and fear of plandemic.




All traditional Thai medicine practitioners and herbalists know very well that new coronavirus could be arrested and cured within five days if it was treated at the onset. Others infected people could be cured within two weeks. All the prisoners in five jails were given this Thai medicine for their symptoms and no death was reported. I have been traveling among people who had their second and third jabs on the train. They were shedding like crazy and I was sick at least five times from spike proteins overload. But I took my Thai medicine on the train as soon as I had these symptoms and took Ivermectin twice a week. These negative effects disappeared in a few hours.




One day I suspected that I got Omicron from staff at the supermarket so I took my medicine and stayed home two days to observe the symptoms; these were cleared up in two days. My next project is to learn to make CDS for myself soon; I could see that a few people I know would be needing this remedy in a few months.


I walked around this old temple with old memories from my innocent and happy days flowing into my mind. The difference between me in the past and at present was astounding; I had to accept the cruelty and ugliness of some destructive humans, had to learn so much about the hidden truth in such a short time so that I could save myself and people around me from untimely death. Life has become very tough with tears of sadness and pain of losing loved ones. That’s probably driving me towards spreading my message among people who know me and would be willing to listen to me.




I prayed to the old sacred Buddha statues for healing and strengthening vibes to keep me going on the righteous path. I asked them to help averting a possibility of a world war in the near future. Somehow I had this premonition many years ago; I saw myself with a full hazmat suit, all in white with a big head gear. I was too young to know the name of that costume but the picture stayed in my mind for years until I saw people wearing these costumes on the news. Something is telling me to grow lots of trees and edible plants including herbal medicine.



There was only silence from the Buddha statues and the temple halls. No one was allowed to tell me about the future. But I could feel their caring vibes and sadness was in the air. We all suffer from common unhappiness of hunger, illness, old age and death. We share a collective unconscious so what affects one person will resonant around the network of consciousness, the mind will pick it up and people will share all kinds of feelings. I just hope and pray that I would have the strength and stamina to fulfill my destiny and duty in this life time. Hopefully, this old temple would become lively and full of cheerful vibes once again.




Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

#wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay

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