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Wednesday Walk: a walk through the Great Retreat Pond at sunset


Today I want to invite you to a very special walk around the remarkable attraction of Madrid's Parque del Retiro, which is its monumental Great Pond.

And I want you to accompany me, at a time of day that, although contrary to what the Greek philosopher Plato recommended for walking and meditation - dawn - is not, however, lacking enough charm to seduce even the most rationalistic mentalities staunch: the sunset.

It is true, however, that summer is coming to an end and although the sun seems reluctant to pack up to go to its annual appointment with our brothers from the Antipodes, its influence is decreasing and the daylight hours begin to walk towards back, imitating the petulant gait of crabs.

But that does not prevent, of course, that there are moments, preceding the shadows of sunset, that seem to last forever, especially if we take into account that the light acquires such intense tones that for dreamers it may seem like a divine yawn that tinges with gold the world, in a similar way to how the halos of sanctity of the Flemish painters on the heads of some personages, revealed its superhuman relevance.

This dreamy break of glory, comparatively speaking, leaves unforgettable images on the retinas, where the apparent banality of a daily walk acquires transcendental characters, which evoke a bucolic scene that seems to be taken from the mysterious source of Fantasy.

And it is at the edge of some waters where fantasy is momentarily dressed in the colors of the rainbow, where greater involvement is felt in the soul, having the imaginary sensation of walking through one of those unique worlds, which according to the French surrealist poet, Paul Eluard, are inside this one.

That is why I hope that the tour has been to your liking and I urge you to do the following: if you ever visit Madrid, it will be a pleasure to meet us at the Great Retreat Pond.

NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.