A Wednesday walk from work

Hello good people, my name is Joyce and I'm writing here for the first time.

I’ve been meaning to write in this community for sometime now but I was not always ready to do the “walk around and take pictures” work.

However, I finally decided to gather some energy and make something out of my walking.

My workplace isn't so far from my house so I chose to trek to work everyday and back to save up on money.

So, I decided to make my first #Wednesdaywalk post today especially because it’s a Wednesday.

I wanted it to be in the morning when I’d still feel refreshed and energized to really get detailed pictures but the rain started before work hours and by the time I was done preparing after the rain subsided, it was already a rush hour for me and I couldn’t walk calmly to take pictures of my environment.

Anyways, I didn’t get discouraged and eventually took a few pictures after work hours.

So, walk with me to my house from my workplace.

A University signboard of the teaching hospital I work with

A selfie of myself around workplace

Took precaution against rain

A screenshot of the time it took me to walk home

It took me seven minutes to walk home from work. This is the first time I would really determine the distance.

Thank you for reading about my walk.

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