A walk to my alma mater that full of memories

Hi Wednesday walkers...

After my struggle of organizing our homecoming alumni I've been setting a meeting yesterday to all my batchmates in highschool. Our venue will be at the room of my classmate which is a teacher in elementary now in my alma mater. She's Ma'am Jenalyn, my classmate also when I was in elementary. We've known each other for so long, so what ever I want she really agree with all my plans. A supportive classmate and a friend of mine.

Andres Soriano College..


The Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig, they just add the Bislig but when I was schooling wayback 80's it's only Andres Soriano College. One of the old schools in my place. Me and my siblings been enrolled here since elementary to highschool. We've got a loyalty awards tho hehehe. We've been together everytime we go to school in morning and afternoon. Missing those days that we're walking along with my brothers and sisters. The school is just near in our house.

Let's have a walk to my alma mater that full of memories. First it's the school gate. Honestly speaking this is not the original gate, they build a new one. Wow so fantastic! Some of my batchmates didn't see the improvement of our school. The day that I send some of the photos of our school they are shocked hahaha. It's good to see that our school gate been changed for so long.

(The open gym and at the back is the elementary building but it's under repair)

(The new building)


(The highschool building)

Upon entering our school gate, a lot of memories been refreshed to my mind. In every corner there's a memory that I can't forget. For 10 years schooling at Andres Soriano College I'll be more familiar in each building that they had. But for the past few years there's a lot of improvements.

They had an open gym but in my days we don't have that. How lucky to those students to have this open gym for some activities that they will not suffering the heat of the sun.

Our highschool building is made of wood only but now it's concrete lol. Missing our classrooms that I've learned so much with our beloved teachers. Some are so strict and terror but we had a jolly teachers also.

Lastly the new building. I didn't get a chance to visit that one. As far as I've known it's for the Senior high building and Criminology. My goodness they had this course now lol. The only I've known is Education, Commerce, IT and Computer Technology.

The signage of I♥️ASCB



While I'm closer to the highschool building I've seen this signage of I♥️ASCB. We don't have this one also in my days so I'll gonna have a selfie of mine for another memory to be saved. I've seen this one on my facebook feeds with some of the alumni students at ASCB. It's my very first time to be here at the signage and I don't want to missed this one lol.

(The hallway...the blue door at the left side is the classroom of maam Jenalyn)

(It's ma'am Jenalyn and mhe😁)

The classroom of maam Jenalyn been transferred at highschool building for temporary because the elementary building is under repair. While I'm entering in her classroom I felt cold hahaha. Then I tell her "wow you have an aircon in your classroom😁". She really laughed with my reaction because we know that we don't have an aircon when we were in highschool. We have an open windows only to get some fresh air from the nature. A simple classroom for us.

My batchmates...

(Anthony is one of my closed when I was in highschool)

(At the left side is Joynovenne, ma'am Jenalyn, Anthony, Robelyn and mhe of course😁)

We're just 5 only, my goodness! Some of my batchmates send me some messages that they have some matters to do. So they cannot attend our batch meeting. I really don't have choice and it makes me angry that they can't support once in a while. I'm not a batch President or any part of the officers because I don't want be stressed with them. For me it's a big obligation if I'm one of the officers of our batch. I'm always refusing to be a batch President, a big no for me. I can help when it comes to solicitation because I've got a lot of classmates that been closed to me.

It's my 3nd time handling this kind of event of our batch. One is our batch reunion last 2011. Then alumni last year and then now. Imagined that 3 times handling them? Woaahhh! Kind of stress but they keep calling on me via Facebook messenger just to attend this homecoming alumni 2023. They pledged a money for our foods and tshirts. I didn't collect money for a contribution because some of my batch are in tight budget. It's only for those willing to share and they shared a lot actually. Thanks to my classmates that always support us when it comes to money.







After discussing for some matters for this coming September 30,2023 it's Saturday. We've decided to have some shots outside the classroom. We're really happy to meet each other again after few years been away, after we graduate in highschool last 1999. We're forties already but too young in heart, char!

That's all for todays blog and this is my entry to #Wednesdaywalk hosted by @tattoodjay and #makemesmile by @elizacheng. Have a blessed Wednesday to each and everyone🤗.

September 27,2023
10:33 am


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