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I found a secret hiding place for a Wednesday walk. Here’s the story.

Hi nature lovers, adventurers, and Hive folks! Only a few people know that I moved out at 22. Pretty young, right? I have my personal reasons: It was both a need and a want.

My safety came first and then all the little joyful bits of being independent came next. One of the things I was looking forward to was finding a place where I could freely walk. I love going on walks and listening to music, especially since it helps improve my mood and mental state.


Benefits of walking to our mental health
Have you heard the term ‘forest bathing’? Fitzgerald cited in an article in 2019, “The term emerged in Japan in the 1980s as a physiological and psychological exercise called shinrin-yoku.”

They encouraged residents to reconnect with nature – because it is good for us. My take on this was simple: We are a part of nature. Then that means being with nature makes us feel connected to other sources of life. We ask for their energy; we receive it.

A TREE-fic surprise
On May 2021, my sister and I found an apartment with a decent-sized living room and kitchen, a clean bathroom, and one bedroom that fit our bunk beds. It was gated with security cameras and a parking space. Also, it was a walking distance to the wet market and a jeep away from the malls.

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The best part? Mt. Malarayat was just one look away. I always thought of it as “my” mountain since we lived by the foot of it during my grade school years.

However, I didn’t expect to see another place that topped off the whole search: a prayer park next to a chapel. It was named the ‘Holy Family Park’ in Brgy. Maraouy, Lipa City.


Towered with tall trees, carpeted with the greenest grass, and the cool breeze brushing against my skin – it felt like entering another world. Juxtaposed to my tech-boom burnout life, the place was surreal. And it was all mine for the taking.




Of course, we signed the lease, unsure if we felt brave or foolish. There were a lot of setbacks, stabbed backs, and silent treatment. But I took a deep and determined breath.

It’s time to face the music: I need a new life, and I want to make it happen.

My secret little hiding place
The prayer park is open to everyone. Sometimes, there would be families looking around. Or aunties who came to pray. Or students who need a place to practice their dances. Meanwhile, I would sit, legs crossed, under a tree to read.




In a flash, I imagined my younger self, who used to spend her free time in the field, lying on the ground with her hand reading the sky. She was at peace, and so was I.


But I wasn’t as comfortable as I do now. It began with short visits and just looking at the statues of Mama Mary, Sto. Nino, and St. Joseph. Since the place isn’t usually crowded, I visit more after work.



Until it was just me, the trees, the wind, and the sky.

I whispered my feelings to the swaying leaves and shared my burdens to the marching ants. At the prayer park, I was safe. It felt like it was even meant to be. Fate? Destiny? I don’t know exactly what to call it, but I’m glad I ended up here, having my own secret hiding place.


It became part of my routine, like today. My sister and I challenged ourselves to go in the morning as the sun woke up and did its stretch.


One thing is sure: Being with nature heals. It just does. And I’m so grateful that I have the Weekend Walk community by @tattoo-djay to share my experience.

Thank you for reading 💜

(Btw, I’m Ish! If you want to check out my intro blog, jump to this link. Or would you like to know more about my mental health advocacy? Here’s my page.)

If you wish to invite me as a speaker, you can email me at

Want to order my poetry zine? You can check out this link.

Have a healing day ahead! 💜

(photo edited on Canva)
