Wednesday Walk — View From Kuala Bubon Harbor

Last week, I was sharing a lot of pictures of a broken boat on my visit to Gampong Jawa Beach with my workmate. It was a lot of fun and I enjoy my time on there. Well for this week of the Wednesday Walk session, I would like to share some pictures that are still related to "boats" and a little story of my journey to Simeulue Island by using a Ferry with my workmate for a business trip.

The Harbour for the ship is located in Meulaboh, which is 5 hour's drive from Banda Aceh. We went by car and start the journey at 5 AM as the ship will depart at 1 PM. As we board the ship and drop our belongings in the room, I decided to go to the cafeteria on the upper deck of the ship. From here, I can see a lot of traditional boat parking near our ship, and I can also see the crew who is preparing the fishing gear and other things before they leave for fishing. There were also occasional sightings of other fishing boats passing between the parked boats.

After a while of observing the parked ships, I moved to another corner of the cafeteria that overlooked the bridge connecting the ships and the harbor office. From this deck, I could see passengers walking towards the ship as well as some vehicles that seemed to be loading goods onto the ship to be taken to Simeulue.

There were about 40 minutes between the time I boarded the boat and when it finally departed. After the ship started sailing, I went back to my room to rest for a while as the sun was beating down. After 30 minutes, I went back out to the cafeteria and saw that there were several tankers parked in the distance. These ships seem to be used to transport materials such as palm oil or cement, as the surrounding area is a manufacturing center for both of these commodities.

All these pictures were taken using Canon SX60 HS
and processed through Adobe Lightroom

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