Walk with our favorite doggo "leo" along with Mi Familia at Naga Baywalk, Cebu

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I decided to go home early today but before that, I drop over SNR take-out counter for a pizza since kids have been asking, begging for it since last week. I love their pizza choices with its soft dough, they also have their promo extended (like you get 1 made to order and a regular one) their pizzas are big in sizes and I don't think we can eat that much! I ordered a pepperoni pizza with cream cheese and I add stuffed cheese on its crust my kids' all-time favorite. It started raining but I still have to wait for 20 minutes for my order, and just about time to dispatch my order, the rain stopped. I'm just excited & happy, ill be home early and with their favourite pizza as my "pasalubong".

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Just I suspected my kids were so happy, we then we eat the pizza then just decided to take our dog "leo" a walk along with the hubby and the kids. We noticed so much had changed since the last time we visit the Baywalk, there's a wide extension of the deck, the trees had grown big, the skies are calm & bright, the sea is clearer than before such a lovely day for a walk. My daughter Atasha volunteered to walk our dog "leo", while @kcwonders sneaked to take a picture of me & her dad and then shouted "lovers in naga" and I just smiled...

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Precious moments with my kids make me the happiest human in the universe and just perfect weather to walk around the Baywalk & the park. They set up a barbeque stall at the back where you can choose from hotdogs, chicken leg, pork, fish, and more but we are so full to try it.

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That's it for today, a Wednesday walk to remember after quarantine where kids are now allowed to go out as long as the parents are vaccinated. So stay tuned for more of my blogs for love, life, and something in-between is up for more!

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