A walk for knowledge.

It feels great to be back for the Wednesday walk challenge, I misunderstood the task and it has prevented me from participating for a while now.

After reading @tatoojay post
this morning, I felt it was time to come back so I decided to share my Monday walk with everyone on the platform.

I am preparing for another fish farming season, the previous season wasn't encouraging and it made me lose inspiration but there is a purpose for the fish farming project that must be fulfilled which automatically makes giving up not an option for me.

In the last month, I have been visiting big fish farms and poultries to learn more about the business. How to identify and where to get good fingerlings, discover bigger markets, manage and supplement feed now that things are extremely expensive, and it has been exciting.


The road to the farm, I had no intention of using the image for the Wednesday walk challenge, I just admired the view and captured it.

The last farm I went to was on Monday, it is a new farm and the owner of the farm is a government worker. He doesn't have time so he employed someone who runs a small farm like my size to work there, the person overseeing the farm operation invited me and Monday and I didn't hesitate to go.

It is within the neighborhood but I didn't know a farm was there because there is a big mosque covering the visibility of the fish farm.

We got there and I was wowed with what I saw, it was less than a plot of land but it was utilized very well. The farm has three twin ponds and one under construction, I was shocked to know that each cost $750 but it is worth it but the materials are quality ones.



Pond one

The farm project was given to a contractor and everything there was done to perfection, it gave me an insight on how to build giant ponds when I eventually have my land for that.


Pond two

The farm can actually raise four tons of table-size catfish without stress as long as there is enough capital to feed the fishes because it would be a terrible mistake to overstock more than you can feed.
I felt more motivated after I visited the farm, I shared ideas with them as well and the man said he was going to visit my farm as well when I start on Monday.


Pond three

Work is going on to begin the next season and I believe it is going to be a beautiful season with God on our side.

I saw this tiny flower on my way out of the farm, it was actually calling to come to take a shot of it so I did; guess it wanted me to share with the world so I will do just that.



We returned to the farm of the person who invited me, I assisted him in feeding the fish. The pond's water was dirty but he couldn't drain them because he drains the water into a pit, the frequent rain we had isn't making it easy and I felt his pain.


I was there for a while, I booked my fingerlings for Monday since the farming season starts on Monday, and I took a few more pictures.

It was a walk for knowledge and I am glad I went because I did learn things that would very useful for me during the new farming season.


The dirty pond


Feeding the fishes

I hope you enjoyed the walk with me, wishing you all a beautiful Wednesday.

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