I took a walk around my office capturing interesting Images.

We have been experiencing heavy rainfall for 6 days now. Of course that is expected because the months of June-July usually records the highest rainfalls in my city. But this morning, we were fortunate to have sunshine - its a rare thing when they rains fall everyday. So given this rare opportunity, I decided to take a short walk around my office - I am self-employed so no worries.

By the way, this is my very first post in this community. Thanks friends for giving me the chance. Here are my images.

There are many buildings and business in this road. This is Azikiwe road Aba, close to terminus hotel. You can see that residential building with a total of 6 floors.

I stepped back a little to get a better view of it as you can see above. The building is sitting next to Terminus hotel annex. I can see this building from my office too.

I walked a little bit further and turned left to capture this area of the street. To my left is Terminus hotel complex. Its a popular hotel in the city, one of the oldest too.

As you can see above, I moved a little further up and got another nice view of the horizon.

This is another section of the road with buildings left and right. On the right side is popular church just next to the Terminus hotel complex.

This is a view as I approach the hotel. Its a hotel with really large environment and sitting nicely on a hill. You can see the sign post Hotel Terminus Complex Ltd. I have hosted a program in this venue.

I walked close to the road intersection as you can see above. This is very close to Azikiwe road by East street, that is if you are coming from the hotel side.

The sun was shinning super bright and I had to look up and capture the beautiful sun. It has been a while we had this amount of sunshine. As I said before, we have been experiencing heavy rains as expected. I had to stay under a shade to capture the sun because it was super bright and blinding my eye.

Here is another view of the sky as I walked forward a bit. By this time, I was already returning to the office.

By now I was already walking back to the office from where I started this very brief walk. So I turned once again and took a shot of the hotel from a distance. You can see other buildings behind it all on a popular hill in the city called Ogbor hill, in Aba.

Now I had to cross the road and climb back to the office (our office building is on the first floor). So before I crossed the road, I captured this shot above. The road intersection once again is Azikiwe road by East Street.

Once back at the office, i tried to take the above shot of the immediate environment where I just returned from. You can see the traffic down here and the sun making the whole area very bright.

This walk is something I enjoyed especially with the sun shinning so bright. Its been cold most of the days, but I am super excited to walk under the sun and feel its warm rays on my body. I hope to take another walk next week friends.
Thank you all for the opportunity to make my first post in this amazing community.

What do you think @ijelady @luchy @beauty197 @sammyhive

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