Wednesday walk to a friend’s farm

When you have friends that you have like minds it helps to have a common goals achieved and even boost your morale to achieved your goals. I visited a friend @peterale who is into chicken rearing and he is well known for what he does.

The visit was initiated by a friend of mine @city-bounter who is also interested starting a poultry business so as to make him see others people poultry how it is been constructed so showed him my own and peterale poultry house.

And he was happy and got difffernt ideas and help from @peterale who enlighened him on poultry business. Well thats another topic for another day.

For my wednesday walk on my way i saw different things but road was quiet. I saw the minor road been repaired. All potholes which can cause vehicle damage and accident were been fillled up and repaired. Most of the guys doing it were doing one thing or the other.

Along the way i saw big and wide holes which erosion has claimed the land from the owners and nevertheless people keep living in such a place. Even the government have to do something about the place or even the people around the place have to come together to donate so as to find a solution to the place.

Then after the visit we came home to strategize and plan the poultry business he want to do.

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