Wednesday walk: Taking a short walk during the break at work

For me taking a short walk during the break at work is not a bad idea. It really helps me alot to have another thing to think about apart from work. It give me more room to see what is hoing on around my area because most of the time if i go to work i resume 9am and my closing hour is 10pm or 11pm atimes.

Well today is not meant for work activities but my short walk around my office area. At first i wanted to stay back to watch tv at the lounge but i think going out will be better.

I went out taking the right side of the road which leads to the main road and walk down the road is aliittle bit sloppy before one one climp up the road again . This area is situated at Basin area in ilorin kwara state.

Along the way, i saw many motorcycle at a spot , it looks as if they were gisting and having fun and sometimes they pray there and this common among the Hausa tribe in Nigeria. They cant see their follow tribe suffer they will always come to see if there is a way to help the person. Most especially if they have accident before you knew it if it is their tribe they rally around him and help out. The Hausa tribe in Nigeria are wounderful people. Helping their brother in need. There are many gacts about this people

While walking i saw a road close by i followed it and i came across many beautiful houses and some are yet to be completed.

When i got to a point and i notice time for the break is almost over , i head back to the office.

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