A day of adventures on Pinar del Río.

Hello! Today I want to share with you this walk through my hometown, Pinar del Rio. The truth is that I love walking through the streets, enjoying the culture and taking some pictures that I will share with you throughout the post. But well, let's get to the point.

A little context:

Pinar del Río is the capital city of the westernmost province of Cuba, and is famous for its natural landscapes, its culture and its tobacco production, which is considered the best in the world. But for me, the best of Pinar del Río is its people, its culture and its architecture.

We start

One of the things that attracts me the most when walking through downtown is the colonial architecture of the buildings. The Milanés Theater, for example, is a neoclassical building dating from 1845, and is one of the oldest in the city. It is a place where we gather to enjoy artistic and cultural shows.

Another place I love to visit is the Cathedral of San Rosendo, the structure presents a neoclassical style with baroque elements and Renaissance details. The main facade has two twin towers of baroque style and a triangular pediment that gives access to the main portal.

I also love to walk along Martí Street, one of the main arteries of the city, where there are many stores, restaurants and historic buildings. On this street, I can appreciate the variety of colors and styles in the facades of the buildings, from colonial to modernist to eclectic to art deco. Among the examples are the Guasch Palace, also known as the science museum or the Hotel Globo.

And finally

From my perspective, I can say that my city is a hidden treasure in the far west of Cuba. Its history, culture and architecture are unique and special, and I am proud to call it my home. If you ever have the opportunity to visit Pinar del Rio, don't hesitate to walk its streets and discover all it has to offer, you won't regret it!

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