Street Food: When you walk on Wednesday, you eat on the "street"

The weather forecast read by an overly optimistic news anchor did not give me hope that there would be a chance for a more serious walk.

However, looking out the window, we concluded that there is still hope.

The only question left was: "And what will we have for lunch?".
"As if it matters", I told her, "when I walk for #wednesdaywalk, I can eat something along the way, some fast food or some street food".

We went for a walk to our Tašmajdan. In order not to risk getting completely wet, if the predicted rain starts to fall, we drove to the parking lot near Tašmajdanski Park.

On one side of the street we were passing, there is a fence of the old Tašmajdan quarry(I have to try to enter that underground complex one day),

And on the other side, the RTS national television building.

Our hated and regime television RTS, which was often the target of attacks at various gatherings...
But our national television is there for us to judge it and to argue and reconcile with the editors of the programs that are aired, but it is not there to be attacked by a much more powerful "enemy".

The damaged part of the television building still stands as a reminder of the unjust aggression of the NATO pact, and a little further on a monument with the question "Why".

"Why" did 16 of our fellow citizens, friends, parents, brothers and sisters, television workers lose their lives in the bombing of this building on the night between April 22 and 23, 1999?

Perhaps the Lord God, whose two houses are located in close proximity, one Serbian Orthodox, St. Mark's Church, and the other Orthodox, Russian Church, knows the answer to this question...

The question will remain forever, and whether we will ever find out the answer remains a secret...

We continue our walk towards the park and at the moment when we thought that we will enjoy the peace and quiet like every time we walk through this park, we hear music.
We go in the direction from where the music is amplified and along with the music, the roar of children and their parents also appears...

In the middle of the park, there is a big stage from which music is played, below it, drinks are sold, and further down, in rows on both sides, kiosks are placed where food is sold.

A sign with the inscription "Streetfood festival Palilulac" announces to us that we have made a good choice by deciding to walk and that we should not worry about what we will have for lunch.

We make our way through the crowd looking at the food on offer.

Classic barbecue, gyros, patties and sausages, pizzas, hotdogs, burgers, dumplings, there's everything for everyone's taste...

The "Profa" kiosk, which offers wok meals, attracts the most attention.

We decide on stuffed dumplings as an appetizer (mix with vegetables, chicken and beef), and wok with chicken for the main course.

I don't think I've ever, except when I'm preparing food myself, been this close to where food is being prepared.

As the heat of the flame from the Wok fire warmed my face, the smell of the prepared food whetted my appetite.

I felt a little sorry for the guys who were preparing the food, because the heat of the pan, together with the hot day, contributed to their being quite warm in the kitchen, but they reassured me with the comment "We are from the sea, from Dubrovnik, we are used to the heat".

Satisfied with the appearance and size of the portion, with a tip for the wok masters and their "Thank you", we walk between the tables looking for a free seat...

Once we've eaten our meals, we grab a coffee to go and make another lap around the park.

The clouds gathering in the sky above our heads seem to me as if the words of the smiling presenter will come true and it will rain.

We decide to slowly return to the car and go home, while in the Tašmajdan park, on the benches of the food festival, we leave numerous visitors, who do not pay attention to the rain clouds at all.

In the end, we made a good decision, combined the beautiful and the useful, walked in the park and had lunch under the open sky, while attending a festival (And we didn't get wet 🙂).

Quite enough for this Wednesday...

Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone

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