Walk on the first day of May, Zoo and Fortress

Today, Wednesday, May 1, is International Labor Day. That day is a public holiday for us, we don't work 😀

My compatriots have apparently forgotten what the idea of ​​celebrating May 1 is.
They forgot that it is the day when we should strike, protest, rebel for our labor rights.
That non-working day, in my country (where the president of the country🤮 declared the other day that he will never introduce a seven-hour working time😡, which is advocated by workers' rights fighters in the world), my compatriots celebrate as holiday, they go out early for "Uranak" and in they make picnics and drinking parties in nature.
I never liked it.
Not because we get up early and eat and drink in great abundance, but because after such gatherings in the nature and picnic areas, visitors leave behind a large amount of garbage.
And me and my company, since we can't pick up all the trash that unscrupulous visitors leave behind, we stopped going to those gatherings.

On that day, May 1st, I like to walk around the city center and nearby Kalemegdan.
When I was woken up early in the morning by the wind hitting the blinds, I thought that there was nothing to do with the walk, however, while we drank coffee, ate breakfast and took a shower, the wind calmed down a bit and it warmed up.

We were able to put our idea into practice. a walk around Kalemegdan and a visit to the Zoo.
I also dressed in a sports style, in my Adidas and headed towards the city center.

A big crowd awaited us in front of the ticket office of the zoo.
We bought tickets and went sightseeing.

The Belgrade Zoo is not as magnificent as some in other big cities, but it is unique for the reason that it is located within the Belgrade fortress Kalemegdan, which is a centuries-old fortress in this area.

Birds, deer, chamois, bison, llamas, alpacas, monkies alligator Muja (the oldest inhabitant of the garden, survived the bombing of Belgrade on April 6, 1941), hippos, wolves, snakes, seals, tigers, cheetahs, flamingos, zebras, giraffes, ostriches, eagles , condors, bears and lions, as well as a new attraction, penguins are the inhabitants of the zoo hiding in the shadow of the walls of the fortress.

I didn't turn this #wednesdaywalk post into just a story about zoo animals, so I'll share some pictures of the fortress.

If any of you visited Kalemegdan many years ago, you did not have the opportunity to see the restored towers of the Despot's Gate, as well as the plateau next to the Clock Tower.

I was delighted with the beauty of the towers after the reconstruction and that I can again climb the observation towers without the risk of falling from the cracked stone blocks.

One of the attractions next to the Stambol Gate below the Clock Tower is an old front-loading British cannon from the 18-19th century that is a favorite for children who climb it.

The zoo, the walled fortress, the gates, the metal doors (5 centuries old), as well as this massive cannon, did not make too much of an impression on me today, because these are attractions that I have seen many times in my walks, but some of them were new to me and made me very happy and genuinely smile.

Little, silly penguins.

Their swimming, diving, jumping into the water made all the zoo visitors who were by the pool at that moment laugh.

At the end of the walk, after a whole day's tour of the fortress and the zoo, we finished with a family lunch in a restaurant and went home to continue our rest, accompanied by an increased wind, the same way it blew in the morning.

We were lucky this Wednesday, most of the day was pleasant and suitable for walking, so I can share my experiences with you - I didn't spend the day indoors, but on a nice sunny, slightly windy day..

Happy 1. May, International Labor Day, to all who celebrate, whatever you do - picnic, walk, strike...
Take care of yourself, your families and our nature!

Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone

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