Explore nature in Lake Rotopounamu

On the last day of our trip to welcome the new year 2022, we plan to visit Rotopounamu Lake. According to Doreen, the hostess of our Airbnb, this is a must-visit place in Turangi for nature lovers and birdwatchers.

Entrance to the walk, the track was wide and very even underfoot

Located right in the protected areas of Tongariro National Park and Turangi region, Lake Rotopounamu was formed by an extra-large landslide around 10,000 years ago and is just a 15-minute drive from Turangi town centre. Since it was the last day, we didn't have many activities. The plan for the morning was just to visit the lake and then we would return to town for a yummy lunch in a famous cafe.

Because the lake is in a protected area, the ecosystem is kept intact as it is. I also love plants and have a great interest in fungi. Especially after watching a Netflix documentary called Fantastic fungi, I am very interested in hiking trips to visit eco-zones like this.

At the very first part of the hike, we encountered many varieties of pine from black pines to brown pine, and many strangely shaped trees that I don't know the names of.

Gus pointing at some interesting plants

I was so happy to see new trees that I hadn't seen before

Feeling protected and cool under the arm of a big fern

Photo of a fern taking from a bridge

But I still haven't found the mushrooms I was looking for, my partner said maybe mushrooms don't grow here. I don't believe it because I know technically the mycelium network is present everywhere in the forest. Every step we take, there is mycelium underneath. When conditions are right, the mycelium will produce mushrooms - also known as the fruit body of mycelium.

I feel that in this forest, the humidity is quite suitable for the proliferation of fungi, touching the dead leaves on the ground I found it wet. So I'm sure I would find some unique mushrooms here.

When I took a closer look at some rotten logs, there was indeed a species of wood fungus that has the same colour as the logs. If you don't look closely, you won't know it's a mushroom. So excited, I spent a lot of time looking at it and taking pictures to investigate further.

Mushrooms on rotten wood logs

I think this might be a mushroom species called Chicken of the woods, I've read and seen pictures of it but haven't seen it in real life

I am so grateful that I could walk in this special forest. It was very hot outside because it's summertime in New Zealand. After many days exposed to the sun, we were happy to spend our last day exploring the forest.

While looking at the ferns, we suddenly heard a strange noise. At first, we thought it was the sound of birds on the lake, but when we approached the lake, we did not see any birds. That loud noise was coming from the shore. I remember when I lived in a small village in Vietnam, every time it rained heavily, I would hear frogs croaking near the lake. And maybe that's the sound of the frogs here.


This lake is located in a beautiful location, surrounded by primaeval forests. When we rested near the lake, the surface of the lake was calm and without a ripple. I reached out and touched the lake water and oh my, it was so cool. Compared to the beach I used to go for a walk in Wellington, the water in the lake was perfect for bathing on a hot day like this.


Water is so calm and clear on that day


I touched the water and it was so cool, perfect for a swim

That was the noise come from, there was no bird around

This is a perfect spot to relax and think about what we would like to do in 2022

We met a couple of camping overnight near the lake. They describe the poetic beauty of the lake at night. Because it is covered by trees, the lake surface is as calm as a mirror at night. It looks like a sky mirror where you can see all the stars and the moon on the surface of the lake. The girl said she didn't think it is a lake at all as it just looks like a mirror of the sky at that time. She almost stepped on it if her partner didn't stop her.


Saying Goodbye to the couple and wishing them all the best for their new year, we continue our way to the end of the track. Around lunchtime, we drove back to the town center and enjoy our yummy lunch at a famous local cafe.

We were all impressed with their excellent plating skills

My ciabata sandwich was to die for, so good

It was quite busy but we managed to get a good spot looking out in the garden


I love hiking and walking. I feel it is quite easy to do and it is good for both my mental and physical health. Sometimes, simple things can bring a lot of benefits to life. To a happy and healthy life. Cheers, Dora

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