Wednesday walk- Fall Garden Walking Tour| Amazing Colours and Relaxing music

Here's my entry for @wednesdaywalk community, as hosted by @tattodjay.

Hi hive friends.
Hopefully all of you are fine. Today, there was a lot of busy at home due to the arrival of guests, due to which I could not go on walk in the morning because of the guests and then in the evening when they went go, the time is almost 6.

So then I left the house and went to my friend's shop and took him with me and there was this very beautiful park on the side of the road. After a short walk it was evening. As time went by the wind picked up and it was very enjoyable to sit inside the park.

There were many people at the bar who had set up various things and were selling them to people, especially the pomegranate juice that people were drinking a lot of.

We almost remembered that we were left walking for half an hour and the whole day was boring, and the whole day was spent at home, so when we came out, we felt a lot of peace, especially such beautiful trees. As evening came, there were many beautiful lights on the trees and they were switched on.

These thorn plants also looked very beautiful but they had to be taken care of because there were so many beautiful flowers on top of them that if we plucked them, they could be in our hands.

After a while we also ordered pomegranate juice because we were feeling a little tired after walking. After nightfall, the view became more beautiful, the street was lit up and many people were visiting all the food and drink shops.

Then at about 8 o'clock in the night, we went back. The time was good and we talked to new people. The situation in Pakistan is not going well. All the people were worried and yesterday the price of petrol has been increased here and it was higher than last week. The price of electricity was increased.

It's great to see everyone's posts today, so many people are now participating and visiting so many great places that we get to see through this platform.

Thanks for visiting out my #wednesdaywalk post! I hope everyone reading this had a wonderful Wednesday too. Until next week.

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