Wednesday Walk-Fall Walk Around The Ilyas Town Park

Hi Hive friends.

It was Wednesday and every day I find a new park and go there. So I have visited all the nearby parks, so I picked up a new location from internet. It must have been a long way but I visited here, I really like to see such new and beautiful things.

On the way friends picked him up from home and we left for this trip and after some time we reached there this park which was very beautiful but it was a bit small and that time we went in the evening.

You can see the people's reviews about this place.

At that time, there was not even a rush of so many people, the advantage of this is that a person can make a video while standing quietly, otherwise there are families, there is a problem in making a video.

This is the one you are looking at in the picture and it has all day written on it. It was built in 2018 and it is built inside the colony and mostly the people of the colony are there for evening and morning walks.

Also, the little environment that was here was also good because there were shops around, it was not a quiet place and cleanliness was also taken care of, but the way the winters are going these days, the leaves are falling more. From the trees and their color changed, the leaves also looked very beautiful.

We had spent about an hour here and we had done about 10 rounds across it, and the walk that takes place at that time is also more important and the morning walk has many benefits, so we everyone should include walking in their routine.

This tree looked very beautiful, the wood below it was weak, but the leaves on the top were very pleasing and the beauty was so great that I took a picture of it and I thought I would share with you guys.

When they grew a little, here they were with rose flowers and as you all know that I like roses very much and wherever I look, I make pictures of them. So I made two pictures of him standing.

Trees have many benefits, on top of human health, it is much easier for humans to breathe. If we go and sit inside, it is very good for our health.

There were also two or three places for sitting and this place was more beautiful which I have also taken pictures of because it had a roof over it and the sun didn't shine and even if it rained. If it is done, one can sit here and watch the beautiful views of the rain.

I was listening to the news in the morning the way we saw that South Africa beat New Zealand by good runs so it's a good news for the Pakistan team and the South African players were saying that In our match, the way we didn't give out, due to which Pakistan lost what it is,

Those two points were very important for him, so our effort is to beat the rest of the teams and take Pakistan up. Go so that the mistake that was made can be corrected in this way, then this is very good for all of us Pakistanis.

If this continues, there are some teams that are playing well that beat the rest of the teams, Pakistan's chances of going to the semi-finals will increase and then maybe once again the whole world. Looking forward to watch the match between Pakistan and India once again we can see now who will win the match tomorrow.

These were the trees that you can see inside where my friend was standing and taking his pictures. These trees were the most beautiful trees here and they are called Khaji and when the Khaji comes down, it It is used to clean the house, especially those that are used on the roof etc. They are used to clean them.

Just a while ago I was watching the match between India and Sri Lanka, but India bowled brilliantly, just like it was done in the final of the Asia Cup, but the entire Sri Lankan team was bowled by India only for 50.

If we estimate the previous things, then the Sri Lankan team is very scared of India and whenever the teams play under pressure, it happens in the same way. The whole Asia Cup scene is back and this time the Indian bowlers are bowling very well especially today's Siraj has bowled very well.

A basket was placed in front of here and it was also said here to throw the garbage inside the basket, but people do not follow this at all and throw things away while sitting and eating. It is a very bad habit to give to dirt, which makes it very difficult to keep clean.

A small room was also built here in which the person who takes care of this park lives and these employees are government employees and they are paid by the government. And their salaries are not that high, but these people are forced because some of them are from other cities.

This swing is also very good. Two people sit on this side and one person who is heavier takes the stove down and the other person goes up and hangs until then. This guy doesn't take his weight off the swing, that guy just stands up and can't do anything.

After a while this child also grew up inside the park and started taking swings and then after a while he continued to play like this but he had no friends after a while this too. Went back because a single person can't do anything for so long. When there are two people playing with each other, the time passes well. Hope you like this park.

Here's my entry for @wednesdaywalk community, as hosted by @tattoodjay.

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