Wednesday walking and working in the town of Choroni 🚶‍♀️ 🌊

Last Wednesday was one of those days that stay etched in your memory, especially when you are immersed in the unique atmosphere of a place like Choroní. Often, when we visit tourist destinations, we focus on enjoying their natural and cultural beauties, but we rarely stop to reflect on the effort and dedication that goes on behind the scenes. I want to share with you my experience in this charming coastal town, where the hard work and passion of its people are evident in every corner.

I arrived to Choroní with the intention of working, more than touristing, accompanied by some talented local artisans with whom I had established a special connection. From the moment I set foot in the town, I could sense the vitality and effort of its community. The energy that went into ensuring visitors had a memorable experience, despite the obstacles and challenges they faced daily, was palpable.

One of the first tests of this dedication was the lack of electricity we experienced upon arrival. We spent almost an entire day without electricity, followed by several electrical interruptions that made my photographic work difficult. Although this setback might have been discouraging, the resilient attitude of the local people was inspiring.

At dawn on Wednesday, I decided to immerse myself in the essence of Choroní and head to the beach. After a refreshing swim in the sea, I joined my mother to begin our workday on the boardwalk. While walking through this picturesque area, I was captivated by a mural that, despite its political connotations, conveyed the very essence of the town: its music, its exuberant nature, and its rich Afro-descendant culture. I watched in wonder as the local young people surfed the waves, making the most of the privileged environment that Choroní offers. Later, I participated in an enriching conversation about African descent and our ancestors, an opportunity to further immerse myself in the cultural richness of this place.

As the day progressed, Choroní's frenetic pace caught me. Between errands and direct work, I barely had time for lunch, opting for a quick empanada to recharge my batteries. However, every step I took through the cobblestone streets of this charming town was an experience in itself. The friendly smiles of its inhabitants, the music that emanated from every corner and the aroma of sea and spices created a unique atmosphere, difficult to describe in words.

At the end of the day, as I looked at the selfies I had taken during my moments of rest, I realized that each image captured a small part of the magic of Choroní. From my arrival at the beach to my walk along the boardwalk and the moments of reflection during the conversation, each moment had contributed to enriching my understanding and appreciation for this coastal town.

My Wednesday in Choroní was much more than a day of work. It was an immersion in the authenticity and heart of a place where the passion and effort of its people are reflected in every detail. I hope these words and photographs can convey even a sliver of the beauty and warmth I experienced during my time in this coastal paradise.

Thanks for reading. See you soon!

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