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The Lost Pond Trail - Now and Now & Then

The following are all photos that I took along the Lost Pond Trail with the exception of the last photo. The Lost Pond Trail is a trail located at the Big Gunpowder Falls State Park in Baltimore County, Maryland at approximately 10092 Belair Road. My most recent visit to this trail was earlier this month but the last time that I was on this trail was (I believe) 2018. So I thought it would be fun to show a few photos from my recent visit and then show a few side by side photos of the same area from now and then. I think I did a pretty good job and since they are comparison photos then my post really won't seem as long as you think it would be because the "now & then" photos are in collages. These are the photos that I took earlier this month.

Sorry, there isn't much green foliage yet but some of the trees did have buds on them. Also, you may not have noticed but there are a couple of geese in my first photo. Here is a closer shot that I got of them!

I thought this was a pretty little round-about area on the trail. No flowers but some greenery.

I love seeing the new growth of Spring and even though there weren't any flowers in that round-about I did find some flowers along the other parts of the trail like these snowdrop flowers.

This is the last photo I have to show you before doing a little now and then side by sides. The sun was shining directly from across the water. Which I think enhanced being able to see the rocks under the water and I love the shadows that the trees are casting as well.

The collages below will show the same approximate area with 2022 photos being on the left and 2018 photos on the right. The seasons are also different which will be obvious.

The trees definitely helped when I was looking for matches in my photos.

These are the steps that lead to the far back parking lot of the park. It is a lot easier going down those steps than it is going up after a long walk.

It took me a little while to be sure that this was truly a match up. The angle of the downed tree just seemed off but my silly brain knew I wouldn't have the exact angle regardless. However, I did match up some trees across the Gunpowder Falls river and the overhanging branch of the moss covered tree on the right of the photo. So I'm fairly certain (almost) that it is a match.

Here is my last photo and I took it from where the vehicle was parked. I always like to check out this little pond. There is suppose to be a pond named the "Lost Pond" but I don't think I can make it that far to see it due to health concerns. This is a nice pond though and I'm content to see it. Sometimes I will see a rabbit hopping nearby and a couple of times I've seen frogs in the pond. Some people don't realize a pond is even there so I guess, in a way, it is like a lost pond anyway! 😊

All photos and text by me @deerjay. All rights reserved.