A Quick Wednesday Walk At The Conowingo

My Wednesday walk was at the Conowingo along the Heritage Greenway Trail in Harford County, Maryland.


This is the end of the trail that is closest to the Conowingo Dam. I've been here many times but there is always something new to see. I love this little area right here! The foliage is just so pretty!


It is just after the pond and I tried to find a frog or toad to photograph but did not have any luck. I know they are there as I could certainly hear them but they are pretty good at camouflaging themselves in the greenery and leaves.


I don't know what kind of plant this is but I've seen it on other trails in the area. It is a bush with big white flowers and while I may not know what kind it is...


...I can tell you that the miller moths love them very much!


The water level was lower than usual on this trip but we've had a lot of rain lately so I'm sure it's a lot higher now.


We found some black raspberries along the trail. I've seen wineberries and red raspberries but this was the first time that I've seen black raspberries.


I also saw this cool looking fallen tree hidden in some brush!


Here is a closer look! The second close-up photo shows a little bit of spider web with a couple of dots of dew on it. I'm not sure if you can make it out in my photo...



...so I'm adding a different spider web that is a little more obvious!


I'm coming up on the end of my walk and post but I did want to show you a couple of photos of orange daylilies that I saw and the second photo is an extreme close-up!



This is my last photo and I figured that since I started my post with a water shot that I would end with one as well! 😉


Thank you @tattoodjay for #wednesdaywalk!!


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