Wednesday Walk

Hy friends .. Happy weekend and have fun on your vacation

@fishing community club





In this weekend my team and I go to fishing. Fishing may be a hobby we often take in our leisure time. Fishing can train our bodies' capacities in patience, industry, and self-reliance. The pull sensation of a targeted fish will make our mood fresh and calmer, let alone the pull from monster fish will be the favourite of the anglers. For many freshwater fish the anglers target, one of these tomans or many call it snake head because the head of the fish resembles a snake and is also known to be very vicious in its pull. In the wild, it invades anything that comes to interfere and gets close to its territory, for the anglers it will be the favorite to try the sensation pull from this fish. Look how big the fish we managed to lift yesterday afternoon landed almost half an hour to the surface because its resistance is so strong.

Size a small fish in which we can have to release it back into the river intended so it can grow in its habitat and reproduce well to remain sustainable to any time. The tomans are actually still part of the family with its physical and habitat cork. The character of this toman stands as still as a log when a small fish passes in front of it, then is instantly struck with ferocity. The main diet of these tomans is small fish and even occasionally attacks other small animals such as frogs, birds and even chicks. That's why it's one of those monster fish the anglers are targeting.

How about your, my friends..??

let's join us for #wednesdaywalk of @tattoodjay it is so much fun and collaboration with @elizacheng #makemesmile challenge

#alwaysaflower is a tag by dearest @dswigle !

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