Evening Walk to Puncak Buntul Rintis #wednesdaywalk


The view above the Buntul Rintis Peak that I took at that time on December 22, 2021 last Wednesday in Central Aceh Regency - Indonesia.

Entry to #wednesdaywalk community & tag #TravelDigest

What is Buntul Rintis

Buntul Rintis adalah sebuah tempat wisata yang ada di Kota Takengon, Aceh Tengah - Indonesia, letak wilayah ini memiliki banyak dataran tinggi seperti pegunungan, banyak sekali wisata yang bisa di kunjungi di kawasan ini salah satunya adalah Wisata Buntul Rintis.


Starting from my house in Lhokseumawe City North Aceh, I want to take a walk to Takengon City Central Aceh, the distance from Lhokseumawe to Takengon city is only 2 hours drive, Lhokseumawe City which is my hometown in North Aceh while Takengon is in Central Aceh Indonesia.


I saw that some of the paths that I took were winding like worms, I thought that to access the mountain path it had to be like that, at that time the main route was because there was no other route to follow, when I arrived in Takengon City with the aim of enjoying the atmosphere at Puncak Buntul Rintis. After arriving at the destination, my family and I were greeted with a gate to enter the Buntul Rintis Tour, a health check and several other supervisions were carried out at the entrance and checking the state of body temperature and wearing masks there.


There are many locations and places for selfies to take pictures here, one of which is the red door that I shared, it seems that visitors are enjoying the scenery and a place to capture the moment while in Buntul Rintis.


Then I also saw a large artificial bird's nest that is here, this place is also a place to take pictures together, maybe this is entertainment for visitors, most of whom are children who like to take pictures here. After I approached this bird's nest which is made of rattan twisted so that it forms like a bird's nest, I think this is very unique and creative to attract the interest of visitors who come here.

I think this is a very comfortable place, the atmosphere is also very cool and the view of the scenery is very beautiful and fresh, when I arrived here at 16.00 WIB this afternoon it was very extraordinary after it rained this morning, before it rained fog and dew covered this place, this fog is like a shape cloud, I think the cloud reaches the top of the mountain here.




From the top side you can see the trees at the foot of the mountain are very dense, you can see in the photo that I share this is a picture of a very fertile coffee plantation in this area, if you are curious about this, coffee plantation fields, you can see in my post previously.


In my opinion, capturing the moment here with media photography is highly recommended because I never know in the future I will be able to visit it again or many changes will occur next, and for now I should have photo documentation when I visited this Buntul Rintis Peak.


At the peak of Buntul Rintis also provides a place to relax and rest while enjoying the natural scenery of the mountains, and also provides some food and drinks, most of the visitors who come here for refreshing and sightseeing or with family. partners and friends.


The decoration that really caught my attention when I was here, this resting and relaxing place is at the top of the hill with a base of grass and a wooden fence and several trees juxtaposed at this location.


There were many visitors enjoying the atmosphere and taking pictures, as usual I also aimed my smartphone camera at certain objects which I will share below.

I wonder if other countries have this kind of thing in the mountains, as far as I know, I only saw it here.



The arrangement of tables and chairs on foam pillows makes a very relaxed impression, I want to sleep if I'm here too long, the longer I'm here, the more people come to visit.


A very suitable time to visit here is in the afternoon because it is not so hot and the air is starting to cool.


Some visitors really enjoy and relax on pillows and covered with nets, it looks like a chasm under this net, when I fall I think I will lose my life, so if you are here you have to be extra careful and from here there are several supervisors guarding it.



Sometimes we need to refresh and take a walk to see how beautiful nature is, but I am very grateful to have the natural beauty that we have. One of them is Aceh, aceh has customs, culture, nature and abundant produce. This is our country that I share the little knowledge and places we have.

That's what I can say in today's post about Afternoon Walks to Puncak Buntul Rintis in the city of Takengon - Central Aceh. Good luck Hivers friends!!! Liked it.


© All Photo by @dayatsiaulia
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