Conquering New Places - Day 2

With new technologies come new ways to find and learn information. Of course, at the beginning I didn't know about this initiative in the Netherlands, which proves even more how this country is developing. It is not only developing its food production, but it is also evolving as technology develops. Imagine if every country did this, how many young minds would be touched. The knowledge of one generation, passed on in a fun and modern way, to the next. Augmented reality is a technology that until a few years ago was just, known as science fiction, created by writers or cinema. It is a technology that combines the real world, with computer programmed content, a game or simply a virtual universe. Gamers know what I'm talking about... Pokemon GO!
Now imagine, through this technology, being able to study the history of a place. This is exactly what the Netherland project, Archeo Route Limburg, it's all about.
You visit given points and with the app, you can learn the historical facts of the territory.
I didn't have the chance, as I said to try it out for lack of information, but that didn't stop me from visiting all the archeological points in Archeo Route Limburg. Discovering in this way, not only a new vast setting, but also a wonderful forest environment. And in the process also uncovering, a few hidden treasures of the city.

Let our children not grow up in a terrible world. Together we can make it better. It is our destiny to
suffer from the past, to long for the future, but to forget the present.
Any unsourced images and writing are my own. Life is worth it!
Thank you for support and follow me @darthsauron
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