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A walk among reflections and some birds

Hello, awesome Hivers and Wednesday walkers!

Today I was quite busy and without much time for a walk, but I'm going to share with you the nice walk I did with some friends last Sunday.

We went for an early morning walk, and instead of meeting up to go to the mountain hike route that we usually visit lately, for a change, we went to the El Laguito, a park in the city with a big artificial lake.

I had not been there for a little over a year. It is a very nice park, but it is not so close to home. However, it was Sunday, and with no traffic, so in less than half an hour, we were there.

There were not many people in the park. The morning was cloudy. But we were lucky, and it didn't rain, and being cloudy, it was not too hot.

We walked the paths around the lake, which could use good maintenance. It was full of algae, but we were surprised that there was a lot of fish too.

The fish were large. And I couldn't find what kind of fish they are using Google Lens. Have you ever seen one like this and know their name?

The reflections in the lake looked beautiful. In some views, it was so still that the lake was like a big mirror.

Besides fish, there were a few turtles. The one you can see as if it was swimming among the reflections was the biggest one we saw. Do you see it?

Many birds can be seen flying over the lake and the park. There were many vultures, some Chachalacas (guacharacas), and also macaws. And some ducks on the lakesides.

But the most impressive waterbirds we saw were these snakebirds, which I wrote about a couple of days ago for Feathered Friends impressed with their plumage. You can take a closer look at them in The majestic Snakebird.

More reflections in the lake. This time some of the palm trees and a couple of the buildings around the lake. The white roof looks like some kind of permanent show canopy, and the other building is a restaurant.

We continue walking among reflections and taking pictures.

Until we crossed paths with other feathered friends.

This time a pair of geese. They almost seemed to be trained to pose for photos and greet visitors.

More reflections on the lake before we came across more feathered friends. This time some ducks.

There were several ducks. Two caught our attention because they looked like a couple. You could see he was approaching maybe to try to kiss her, while she seemed to be playing hard to get, hehe.

Two others were on one of the small piers of the lake, maybe after taking a dip. And one of them showed us his butt, lol.

We walked the entire edge of the lake a couple of times. And we saw reflections and more reflections.

Then we decided to go up the road that goes behind the lake and up the hill a little. In this sector, there are some facilities that are part of the park, such as a swimming pool, courts, restaurants, and a bowling alley.

This is the view from the road to one of the lakeside restaurants. It was closed when we passed by. And in the background, you can see some of the populous slums of the city.

As we were walking along, we saw several beautiful yellow birds. When I checked this photo with Google Lens, it told me this is a saffron finch (chirigüe azafranado). I also found here are call Canario de Tejado.

The road took us back to the parking lot where we had left the car, but before that, we came across this lush and beautiful Acacia tree (Flamboyant tree). At this time of the year, there are lots of them in bloom all over the city, a visual spectacle that nature gives us.

And so ended our Sunday walk.

This is my post for this week's #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay in collaboration with #makemesmile hosted by @elizacheng.

Thank you for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

May 24, 2023

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