A stroll through the gardens of La Estancia

The last few days at home have been frenzied. My son arrived last Sunday to be with us for two weeks, and we have been squeezing every minute together. Also, the latest movie that my hubby directed had its premiere yesterday and will hit theaters nationwide this Friday. So it has been an exciting but hectic few days, which has left me little time to be at Hive lately. But all the hustle and bustle hasn't stopped me from having a Wednesday Walk today with my favorite person, my son.

Today in the afternoon, we made time to escape for a while to the gardens of the Centro de Arte La Estancia, which is formal name is PDVSA La Estancia since these facilities now belong to the state oil company of Venezuela.

These gardens are a small oasis in the middle of the chaos of the city, and you get to them by one of the busiest avenues, Francisco de Miranda Avenue.


These lands were formerly part of La Hacienda La Floresta, and some remnants of the hacienda's buildings remain on the site and have been renovated.


The gardens are well kept, and it is an ideal place for a stroll or just to lie on the grass for a while to relax and enjoy nature.


There are some feathered friends around the gardens.



The first ones we encountered were some roosters and hens pecking in the gardens.


After saying goodbye to the roosters and hens, we continue to approach the old hacienda.



And on the way we also met some ducks.


Of course, I couldn't miss the opportunity to have a picture with my favorite person.



There is an area of the garden called Plaza Andaluza.


A small garden inside the main gardens with a fountain and some benches like the ones you usually find in Andalusian patios.


We continued exploring the green gardens, and the vegetation was lush.


Some of the trees there must have been there for years.



Among the feathered friends we came across there were also some peacocks. One of the males caught our attention as he had lost part of his plumage. Who knows what happened to him.


More of the gardens and their beautiful vegetation.



In one area, there is a small playground with a wall of murals in the background.


I found this huge tree beautiful and nearby we took the chance to lie on the grass.

But after a while, a lady came to tell us that they were about to close for the day. So to our regret, we had to get up to leave.


We passed by the hacienda building.



In one of the buildings, there was a photography exhibition. And what caught our attention the most were the details on the floor that protect vestiges of the old construction of the Hacienda La Floresta.


And then, we left the place by another entrance. This one led to the neighborhood La Floresta, and so ended our walk today.

This is my post for this week's #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay in collaboration with #makemesmile hosted by @elizacheng.

Thank you for reading and joining me on my walk today.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

May 31, 2023

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