Walking With Cows

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some pictures of the beautiful group of cows and oxen that we got to see when we went to a fair!

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Walking With Cows

Cows are a wonderful animal for sure. They are very smart but most importantly they are useful beyond belief. They consume a lot of resources in order to raise one but the end result of having those cows is so many benefits that it's hard to quantify them.

We recently went to a fair a few weeks ago, one that we'd been looking forward to going to for a while. We missed it last year which was unfortunate but when we heard at the beginning of the summer the planned date for it, you better believe that we put that shit in our calendars so we wouldn't mess it up again this year lol.

The fair is one of my favorite things to do in the late summer and early autumn. It's really nice to walk around, see all the people enjoying the area and exploring the various vendors and crafts that are strewn throughout the area. The fairs are also an incredibly important thing for the farmers and the people who raise animals to come and show off their prized specimens and get some exposure to the public.

The farms that raise cows are some of my favorite. Cows are one of the most important animals on the planet because they have so many uses. I also want to make sure that I clarify that by saying cows, I am referring to both males and females. I know that a male cow is a bull or steer but it's easier to just lump all them into the same word, cow lol. Bovine is their technical name but that's a little annoying to type all the time so ya, going with that.

What was wild was seeing the record bull for the year! The fucking thing weighed almost 3 THOUSAND pounds! Holy shit! That's about as much as my car weighs lol that's nuts! We saw the fella and holy crap does it not disappoint, how gigantic the things are!

This guy right in the middle here is Buck I think the name was. I doubt it was Fuck, but you never know! LOL the card is a little obscured so you don't know what the name really is :D.

Buck here was freaking enormous! I can definitely understand now and appreciate why farmers in the years before tractors would use the oxen here to pull their plows. These fuckers are gigantic and strong as fucking hell! There were oxen contests where they would pull things but we didn't get to see one, sad because I wanted to see it. We will make sure to add that to the agenda for next year lol.

The cool thing as well is there were probably about 200 or more female cows all over the place! The ages were varying between the youngest ones, some as young as 6 months, and others as old as 4 or 5 years. I don't exactly know how long a cow lasts before they get to the point where they are then turned into consumable products but I know that there were a number of them that were 5 years old just about, maybe some a little older.

What was incredible was the size of the cows! The 6 month old cow I would have thought was a year old or more because of how big she was. They do feed them well, so there is that, which makes them grow nicely.

The amazing thing was how fucking solid and big the adult ones were! I know this one here is a male, with the horns, but these cows are all going to end up being turned into consumable products at some point in their lives. The meat from cows alone is full of so many of the most important vitamins and nutrients that we need as humans, that it's not surprising that the consumption of animal products from cows is under attack from the evil companies and governments of the world. When people are well-fed and working well together, we tend to ignore their bullshit and they don't like that.

Walking amongst the cows from all over the region in this section here was wonderful. I got a much better appreciation for these animals and my son had a blast seeing them and he was able to pet a number of them which was nice. None of them kicked him, but some were a little iffy so we stayed clear of those ones lol.

We are absolutely going to come back to this section next year! I know that it was a lot of fun for me as well as my son to walk amongst these beautiful and important creatures. The more exposure we can have to the sources of where we get our food and products, the better for us overall!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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