Partially Frozen Wednesday Walk

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to enjoy a nice hike that the little man I took the other day!


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Partially Frozen Wednesday Walk

The little man and I were out recently and we ended up going exploring a spot that we hadn't been to before. We were in an area for an errand and I wanted to take him to do something that we haven't gotten a chance to for the past few weeks: get out for a nice little hike!

I'm trying to make sure that we go for these hikes as often as we can, because as he's getting older he's a little less willing to do these things as one would expect from the kids as they get older. It's a little bit of a sad time for me as I love going hiking and I love having my little partner with me for the hikes! At any rate though, he didn't fight me that much to go on this one since he was a little stir crazy in the house so we got at it.


The place was somewhere I've personally never been before, though I knew the town and had someone growing up that I knew was from this area. For whatever reason though, it wasn't a place that we would visit so I didn't think of it. When we were out though, we were right down the street from it so I knew that it was going to be a good idea to check it out!

I'm glad that we did! The area was quite remarkable and it's definitely going to be a place that we are going to visit in the spring and summer to do some fishing. This place is indeed pretty beautiful, nice trails and plenty of trees and stuff everywhere. The ice was in this area all over the place and it seems to be because it was the shaded part of the lake with tall trees all around and the sun behind us so it wasn't going to warm up the water like it was for the other side of the pond.


There were a bunch of cool coves and stuff. This section here looks like it was part of a beaver dam. On the left there, if you look kind of closely, you can see a beaver island there. There was also a bunch of ducks and swans there in the middle-right which was nice! I wasn't sure if there would be any wildlife around but those swans were determined to eat things and were diving all over the place to get some snacks. I'm not sure what they were eating, if it was stuff in the mud or if they were actually getting fish lol.


What was interesting though about the place was that there were many hundreds of downed trees all over the place! This happens of course as in any forested area, you have trees that fall apart and die. With the downed trees though, we are absolutely going to be coming back with our chest waders to fish around these things! I'm hoping we can get some decent shallows around the area so we can go out exploring but the downed trees like this one did have some cool aspects to them!


The little man was having a lot of fun being the guide, which is nice. He enjoys being the lead on these things and I let him do it as much as he wants, as long as it's not dangerous of course. I want him to be one of those kids that has confidence and takes charge in many situations which is important for him growing up and developing.

What he also loves to do which I find funny and very cute, is that as soon as we get onto a hiking trail he immediately is out looking for a hiking stick to carry with us along the way. I taught him that in the very early days of our hiking as a way to help your body walk a little easier but also have something with you in case you need it to defend yourself or make yourself appear bigger to some type of predator that is around. Thank god we've never seen or had to have this situation come up, but it's always best to be prepared!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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