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A Leisure Walk After Work, at El Paradisio!

What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are.
-George Eastman-

I consider it a blessing in disguise every time we were sent by our school to the District Office to participate in or join Meetings and Seminars regardless of the expenses. Not that, of course, I will be learning and gaining new knowledge and meeting some of my remote friends but it is because I now have the chance to explore and visit some of the resorts and/or tourist spots in the town.

Recharging and rejuvenating my well-being is as important as how I value my work. And one of the best ways I find to do it is to take a walk to places that are new and healthy to my eyes, so, I always grab chances like this - A chance to walk and take a stroll after a day at work.

So come and join me in this leisure walk I had at El Paradisio, Tabogon right after my work Taraaaa!



El Paradisio is a private resort nestled on the hilly coast of Camoboan, Tabogon, Cebu. Facing the beautiful ocean, with vast lush trees that surround it, its exclusivity, and its unique structure of houses, this resort is living by its name "Paradisio" which means "Paradise". One will surely get enticed by the beauty it beholds.


My most favorite view of the resort. Fells like I'm in an Enchanted Kingdom!

To have a glimpse, more so stroll around this paradise is not easy as I thought. We had to come up with a lie, a very convincing one so that we could get in. El Paradisio doesn't allow walk-in guests in their paradise, one must have booked an appointment or must rent one of the houses first to set foot in this paradise. This is how they value and give respect to their clients who are staying in the resort looking for serenity and privacy.

After a long conversation with the caretaker, we patiently waited outside the gate if the resort's owner would allow us to enter. And yes, it's a YES.

So let's get in.

I was quite amazed by the beautiful views of the trees and the pathways that we passed by. But I was more thrilled and excited as to what I would witness at the end of our walk.


The place is just so calm and peaceful. The exact paradise I needed after a whole day of participating in a seminar.


All I hear was the gentle breeze of the wind as it gently touches the leaves. What a natural beauty it is to see the lush trees and the brown dried leaves covering the ground.

The black house.


The first house we passed is this unique black-colored house. By the look at it, I know this was inspired by another country. I learned from the caretaker that the house has complete amenities to use.

The lamp posts.


As we keep on strolling we passed these unique and eccentric lamp posts along the way. I noticed that the lights were attached to the woods and it has a black roof or covering too. Do you think the owner of this resort loves black? Or this is just the theme of the resort? Well, let's find out.

I lost count as to how many lamp posts we passed there, but I could imagine how beautiful it is to stroll the place at night.



Designed pathways.


Another lovely sight I saw as I keep on exploring the place was the Pentagon-shaped clay beautifully arranged on the pathways. This pathway is leading me to the beach. I could see the ocean and the skies behind the trees.


Another pathway filled with gray rocks on the ground lead to the open kitchen.

And look its color is black too!


The swimming pool.


The pathways lead me to this lovely swimming pool that overlooks the glistening ocean. Though there were some dried leaves that fell in the pool, its water is clean and natural. The pool's water is salt water coming from the sea.



The pool, the ocean, and me!



Who would not be happy with these relaxing and stunning view? All my wearies had gone away!

We stayed there at the pool and watches the ocean for a while.

The function hall.

The caretaker led us to the function hall because we wanted to see it too. On our way there, we passed the three beautiful wooden chairs in an open area surrounding a campfire pit.


Relaxing, isn't it?

Because of our excitement and amazement at how lovely the function hall is with its authentic wooden facilities, I wasn't able to take picture of the whole building, instead, I captured our happiness and appreciation of the whole place.



My co-teachers happily took a pose on the tables.


And that's us! Relaxed after the long hours of Seminar.



Some of the furnitures and designs in the function hall caught my attention. They are simply unique and stunning.

Another beautiful black house.

I thought we were done exploring the place, but the caretaker told us she will let us see the interior of one house. which we happily agreed!


I don't know, but I think I saw this kind of house in one of the English movies I watched. I wonder what would be the interior design of the house.

But before we took a peek at what was inside, we had some photo opportunity first.



The interior.



I was surprised to see the native interior. The ceiling is made of our native "Abaca" mat, while the double walling is made up of wood.

The house we get into is a two-story house and is fully air conditioned. It has complete amenities inside like, the kitchen, bathroom, and dining area. As far as I could remember there are more than two beds on the second floor.

We spent a couple of minutes lingering on the unique beauty of the house. I silently wished I could rent a house like this for a day with my little family. Hopefully soon.

There are still houses that we hadn't passed by, because we were not allowed to. There was some guest renting the house. We were just lucky enough that we were given a chance to get in had a walk around this paradise.

We had a great time strolling and were able to recharge ourselves because of this wonderful chance that we had,- a leisurely walk after work.



Our photo after work (left) and after a walk (right). See the difference. Indeed we had fun!

That's it guys. Thank you so much for reading. Hope you are all safe and healthy always.