The Gate to the Sea Has Opened, a Walk Through Sozopol.

The long-awaited time at the beginning of summer, travel time, has arrived. After the many obstacles, I've had over the past few years and with a desire to ignore future dangers that appear on the horizon, I'm trying to live the rest of my life. Retired life. What could be more enjoyable than leaving everyday life behind and changing, if only for a little while, the landscape. I mean a voyage. Because the gate to the sea has opened!


I managed to make my first trip and chose to go to Sozopol, in the southern part of Bulgaria, a small town on the shores of the Black Sea.

Sozopol is one of the oldest towns on Bulgarian Thrace's Black Sea coast. The first settlement on the site dates back to the Bronze Age. Undersea explorations in the region of the port reveal relics of dwellings, ceramic pottery, and stone and bone tools from that era. Many anchors from the second and first millennium BC have been discovered in the town's bay, a proof of active shipping since ancient times.
The town was founded in the 7th century BC by Greek colonists from Miletus as Antheia (Ancient Greek: Ἄνθεια). The town established itself as a trade and naval center in the following centuries and became one of the largest and richest Greek colonies in the Black Sea region.


Although it is far from my city, almost 400 km drive, I have been to Sozopol many times but had not visited it for more than 7 years. Although the season hasn't started yet, I took advantage of the good weather and made this trip again.

I have a very strong attraction to the sea that I can't explain. So much so that my wife, who prefers the mountains, gave up her passion and chose to go only to the sea. For me, but of course, she loves it too.

I love being by the sea but not necessarily right on the beach. In fact, I gave up sunbathing a long time ago, for health reasons, now we are at the age when too much sun is unfortunately bad for us.

I like to know, feel, see or smell the sea. I get all this from walking! Walking by the sea, in the small town or in the surrounding area, that's what a seaside holiday means to us. A seaside holiday is made up of many long walks! I will introduce Sozopol through several of our walks.

A walk out of town, in the area of those who prefer greenery and quietness!

Sozopol is a peninsula and this walk was made with the purpose of seeing its edge which is not visible from the city. It is a walk on a somewhat steep road which my wife and our friend who accompanied us on this holiday did not like very much.


In the end, they were glad and recognized that the view from above of the sea and the city was worth the effort.




We found a small plateau to watch the sea. A plateau that was immediately used to build a small bar, a bar in nature, simple and beautiful. A bar that was being renovated and prepared for the tourists who will come in June.





The girls have almost forgotten the sea. The wildflowers and the flowering trees caught their attention and their desire to photograph. The Mediterranean climate shows its beauty.



The little bay has been transformed. A little fisherman's bay, as I knew it. Now I see it's become a tourist spot, with terraces in development. Probably a place where they eat what the fishermen bring in from the sea. That makes me regret having rushed here before the tourist season opened. I wanted to avoid the crowds but, unfortunately, I see that I am also avoiding the food I like best. Fish cooked immediately after it is caught!



This long walk brought me proof that this part of town is developing rapidly, building both small hotels for tourists and houses and villas for locals who can afford them.





We finally made it to the end of this walk, the top end, because we are going to do the reverse, to the city and the hotel where we live.

Obviously, some rest was imperative.


The long-awaited sight. The sea beyond, as I used to call it, is no longer as spectacular as I knew it.



Maybe because houses have already been built here and access to the sea is no longer possible. I found the view of the city more spectacular.




This was a walk through a part of the city unknown to most visitors, so I wanted to share it with you. It may be of use to someone, who knows?

Sozopol is a very good place for holidays. The town is small and beautiful. There are many terraces, and restaurants and the cuisine is very tasty. Bulgarian and Mediterranean. The accommodation, like the food, is cheap. The beaches have fine sand. Access is easy. It's only 30 km from Burgas, an important Bulgarian city with an airport and port. You can also get there by car or bus. A nice holiday to all who will want to get there!



For #WednesdayWalk by @tattoodjay



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