Huge Puppets On The Streets

It's time for another walk, Wednesday's walk, and this time it will be a less usual walk. The walk in the center of Bucharest, in Revolutiei Square. The former Palace Square, which is the former Royal Palace, is the central square of Romania's capital, probably the most beautiful and with the most history imprinted in the walls of the buildings that border it. I mean the former Royal Palace, now the National Art Museum, the Athenaeum, the Central University Library, the building of the former Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party, now the headquarters of the Ministry of Interior, the Kretzulescu church, the Hilton hotel.

A place where the historical buildings of the city, built at the beginning of the twentieth century, give the image of the old city which is now much changed after the communist period when most of the important buildings were demolished.

The Bucharest International Street Theatre Festival is a three-day festival held every year in Bucharest. As the name suggests, this theatre festival takes place only on the street.

Such an event awakens any city and its inhabitants from their sleep, and I testify that this happened to me. Children appreciate and enjoy this street show the most. Then their relatives, then the young people, then those, like me, who want to photograph...

I've been waiting a year for this opportunity to take hundreds of street photos, some of my favorite photos but which I take with some difficulty because people on the street are not too happy to be photographed, especially the cops!

When I say I was prepared, I meant that I charged my camera battery to the maximum so that I didn't suffer what I often suffer, i.e. running out of battery before finishing the job.

Happy arrived at the show, I mean on the street, watching one of the theatre groups in their parade, I mean the "Animal Fairytale" from France. They are giant puppets, inspired by La Fontaine's fables that parade on the street, among passers-by, dancing and interacting with the audience, especially children.

I immediately grabbed the camera, framed it, and pressed the shutter release. Nothing happened. I realized, suddenly I realized that I forgot to put the battery (on full charge) in the camera! Obviously, I then felt all those giant dolls stepping on my feet...Once again I missed the moment.

I was saved yet again by my cell phone, just to have some memories of the event, but I didn't take the photos I had hoped for so much.

Every Wednesday I try to tell the story of a walk, as part of #WednesdayWalk, @tattoodjay's challenge and community!

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