Halloween Walk To The Colorful Container Hostel

Halloween walk to the colorful container hostel
that exterior though
parking area
plants in front of the hostel
almost to trike area
the wires look great in the dark
one of the resorts along the highway
street view

Happy Halloween, amazing people!

The other day, I was too tired from doing all the chores at home, and I realized it was already too late to prepare dinner. I decided that my daughter and I should just go dine out by the beach. We are not too far from the surfing area, and it's just a 5-minute ride away. The surfing area, which is located here in Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union, has lots to offer, from food to entertainment to shopping, etc. This is also our go-to place when we're bored in the house or if we just want to get some air.

As the sun began to set and the evening hues painted the sky, I just found myself itchy for an evening walk, aside from being hungry. My daughter, who is my constant companion, was bubbling with excitement as she was ready to take a long school vacation, taking breaks from all her academics. We stepped out, welcoming the cool breeze that the evening had to offer.

We first stopped at one of our favorite spots, where street food was being sold. It is just in front of the 7-Eleven store by the beach. My daughter and I love fish balls, so that was our appetizer. We continued walking to the seashore and felt the roughness of the sand. That took about 10 minutes, watching the waves as the moon took over. We then continued walking up to the west side, where we found the place where we had our dinner. I will probably write a review of that place on my next blog.

After dinner, we continued our stroll. It was already dark, but the street lights and the moonlight were good enough to make the town shine. Vehicles passing by, tourists chatting from a distance—I took photos as we went along. It was already around 8 p.m., and we decided to hail a trike going home. The trikes are located close to 7-Eleven, where we had our fish balls, so we headed back there. On our way was a unique place that captured our attention: Rada Hostel, a vibrant container hostel. The walk to the hostel was as refreshing as it always was, with the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore echoing in the distance.

As we approached, the hostel stood out like a beacon, its colorful containers stacked and arranged in a way that was both artistic and functional. The sight was a visual treat, with the vibrant colors of the containers contrasting beautifully against the dusk sky. Although I often see this during the day, the evening ambiance was lively yet laid-back, reflecting the spirit of the surfing town. Walking through the hostel grounds, we were greeted with warm smiles and the soft murmur of various languages as travelers from around the country and even the globe converged here. My eyes sparkled with curiosity, taking in the unique setting. I have not been inside (which I only saw in photos), but the exterior alone is not only a picture of a perfect place to stay but a cultural melting pot, offering a glimpse into the diverse world beyond our town.

We continued our walk, the sound of laughter and chatter from the hostel fading behind us as we moved on. The evening sky was now a blanket of stars, the perfect end to our stroll as we had already reached the trike area. As we returned home, my daughter's enthusiasm and the vibrant image of Rada Hostel stayed with me, a reminder of our little adventure in the heart of my barangay/town, Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union.

It was a fun evening walk.

⊱ღ One love ⊱ღ

October 31, 2023, 11:25 p.m. PST
In between the farm and the beach

(All texts, photos, and videos are my own and were taken by me unless stated otherwise; Please DO NOT copy.)

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