Between the shapes of nature and a picnic with the pigeons. 🕊


The day was quite sunny, sometimes it was better to walk where there was shade, but sometimes it was difficult to find it.

I really like to have lunch in the middle of nature. Not a big lunch but something simple. Even the digestion changes when you are in the middle of nature. The mind relaxes and the food feels better.

That's why I love to walk among the trees, their energy is powerful.

The truth is that the sun was very strong and for a walk I decided to go to a very beautiful park, full of shade, except in certain areas.


Beautiful what I found on the way, given by France in 1929.

There are always historical items along the roads.


As always I like to look at the sky and admire the views that the city offers me.


I wait to cross the street and arrive at the park.


Already its entrance is full of magic, its trees are beautiful.


And this one in particular is the one that welcomed me.


There are always very curious plants and I like to see shapes in them, like in the trunks, stones and so on.


Trees with those big roots and that they are exposed, always catch the eye, and they are surrounded by leaves even though it is already summer.


Walking among the little rays of sunlight that sneaks through the branches of the trees always pleases me and I discover things.


It looks like three women looking and chatting together about the news of the day. I always see crazy things.


Look at this flower peeking through the greenery to see who was passing by on the path.


This one was hiding, not all flowers have the same personality, they are like people.


After that path a panorama of pine trees and street lamps opened up.


It seems that the seats are a bit uncomfortable... they are, because they are hard, but it doesn't matter, nature is wonderful. I was surrounded by birdsong and the beautiful breeze.


Again I look up at the sky and there is so much vegetation that I could no longer see the beautiful blue.


A park with paths and roads, even if it is surrounded by streets with traffic, this vegetation cancels out a lot of noise.


This part of the park is divided by a street and these flowers were right at the intersection of the two parts. I love pink, it's my favourite.


The second part of the park was full of these trees with their roots walking, I think they walk as I do. My imagination is always open.



I liked to crouch down to take these pictures as close to the ground as possible and admire the dry leaves, roots and bushes.


More paths and walks for cycling, for example.


In this space I could see some sky.


The pine trees let the pine cones go free and they are beautiful to make decorations.


I love this kind of nature, it gives us so many beautiful things.


Trees of the strangest kind on their trunks and people leave messages on them.


When I went out on one of the paths the sun was very strong and the avenue was close by.


But I was struck by this artistic structure, what do you think, what does it look like? I see a labyrinth.




I found a seat in the shade after a lot of searching.

I prepare the Argentinian mate, I can't go out without it, it's my addiction.

Mate, the thermos with hot water, well not so much because it's summer, and crackers. Actually, before that I had a chicken sandwich.

A moment of relaxation, good company, pleasant conversation in the middle of a beautiful walk.



Many pigeons approached me, they came looking for the crumbs left by the crackers. Aren't they adorable? They come in different colours and my favourites are the white ones and the white with brown.


It was a quiet, relaxing walk, never lacking in mate and good energy, renewal of strength and distraction of the mind.

Happy to share it with all of you. Best regards to all and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.

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