How and why is Telos different from other blockchains?

  • Telos is a fast blockchain with up to 5,000 transactions per second
  • Telos can scale up to millions of people
  • Transactions are almost free on Telos

From an historical point of view, Satoshi Nakamoto, who was probably the mathematician Nash, posted a paper about Bitcoin in 2009. Bitcoin is the first implementation of a blockchain.

Because thousands of computers are becoming Bitcoin nodes, the blockchain is becoming huge, use a lot of energy and is much slower than a DPOS blockchain.

I don’t know how my computer is working neither its beautiful color screen. Like any other tech tools, you don’t have to know how they are working to use them.

Dan Larimer (@dan) invented the Delegated Proof of Stake algorithm to build chain of blocks. The first DPOS blockchain has been Bitshares, then he invented Steem which has been forked in Hive.
The Last implementation of DPOS is EOSIO, an open source software. The founders of Telos used EOSIO to create Telos. Telos has produced more than 100 millions blocks, host many wonderful Dapps, including the ACORN Universal Basic Income.

When people open an account in SEEDS or telos, They stack some TLOS to pay for there transactions. In SEEDS, the inviter is paying for the invitee. This makes onboarding a little more difficult but the advantages are tremendous, but the transactions are almost free.

In the first century, Roman emperors issued gold coin to pay for their army and to collect taxes. Since then, money has been charged with violence and government are fighting against counterfeit currencies which is decreasing their power.

Since 2009, people can create their own currency to use it for democratic purposes. It is a huge revolution. You are welcome to participate


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