Announcing a New Community!


Welcome to the FightingArts community! FightingArts is a community for authors who wish to share their passion for the martial arts. I created FightingArts last year with a grand vision to do all kinds of things. However other matters in my life took center stage. I am now trying to bring attention to it again.

You may be asking, why does Hive need another martial arts community? A quick search will reveal several others like it. The difference between FightingArts and the others is I will be actively involved with posting, curating, and promoting. The purpose of FightingArts is to reflect the multi-dimensional nature of martial arts.

Combat sports are hot these days and posts about MMA get a lot of attention. However, these posts usually only appeal to hardcore MMA fans. They are limited in scope, focusing only on stats, rankings, and competition results. As much as I enjoy watching a good fight the martial arts are more than fighting. They are certainly more than a sport.

Considering that, FightingArts is open to a broad range of topics, so long as the post has a martial arts element to it.

Here are some appropriate topics:

Self-defense (obviously),
Sports science,
Natural medicine,
Health and fitness,
Mental health,
The human potential,

I want FightingArts to be one of the most interesting communities on Hive. It is a home for any one wishing to explore the true nature of martial arts.

Community guidelines

  1. Posts in any language are welcome.
  2. Keep it respectful.
  3. Put effort into your posts and aim for at least 500 words.
  4. A broad range of topics are welcome, but they should have something to do with martial arts.
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1 column