How to spot a fake blackbelt. And also Giron escrima class day!





Adventures with puppy dog during class is another post. Possibly I shall include a recipe for dog tacos...


How to spot a fake black belt

So recently this interesting Sensei fill account decided that me being nice to them and throwing words of encouraging nature and positivity their way was offensive so they got upset and created a Facebook account...

Oh yeah specifically to use Filipino martial arts community to ban or get rid of me.



So anyway really Petty and what are you really going to do when I blog about my life and existence on here.

Well then to talk bad about my disabled best friend as well as student mentor and brother, @tilestar and his new account @churchoftheway which is petty.

However he does this with actual no connection with the community. And he didn't really understand how quickly it will get back to me.


I was really interested in knowing one very important thing.

What is his teacher? Now this conversation quickly devolved into a defensive covering his butt name dropping. Funny nobody has heard of this individual. Maybe he got some YouTube videos. Who knows.

Huge red flag

If you can't cite a specific instructor and system.. as well as being able to have that confirmed, doesn't mean anything

I will tell you right now I can cite pretty much all of my martial arts influences. Some of these individuals were only briefly able to influence my life. Some of these individuals were able to continuously be in my life.

If you can't.. You are on of the many self appointment rank magic amulets masters. A fraud.

Here is a couple.

Guru John Daniels is one of the earliest ones.

A black belt under Dan inosanto. Best friend to Bruce Lee as well as Native American. Which we actually have a connection between our families due to heritage and our culture.

And he is one of the only individuals that trained with all three grand Masters of a certain FMA system I possibly was exposed to. We never know I might be one of the first students from the only surviving Grandmaster from that art.

I remember being a part of one of his classes a long time ago and again circumstances dictated I couldn't afford to train at this place however I was complimented and told to keep training diligently.

A while later I was invited to a martial arts class and I start working out with this really talented individual who happens to be John Daniel's son. Which I didn't know at the time.

So we're working hard and all of a sudden this individual comes in and starts talking with the leader of the class excused myself and walked over and introduced myself because I swore I knew who this individual was. Yep it was John Daniels and the person who is working out with who spoke extremely highly of me what is his son and extremely accomplished martial artist in his own right.

Kelly Worden

Well this deserves its own special place in history.

So I was actually internet chat friends with a very secretive however extremely highly skilled martial arts expert. FMA. Hawaiian. Rand lonatyao.

Please forgive me if I misspell or don't exactly get their organization correct because I only had influence not actual training with Rand with one exception. I did meet him one day to train in Seattle. 6 7 maybe 8 hours of getting beat up and being shown some phenomenal martial arts feats. Rand, wow. Do this day his feets of strength as well as striking ability and control blew my mind.

So my buddy Rand wants me to send a message over to Leonard Trigg who happens to be a professor at the time and Olympic boxing coach.

I noticed that Leonard had a upcoming workshop with Kelly and it was in my local area as was quite accessible so I sent a message to the promoter. I will refer to this really amazing individual as Promoter, as I don't exactly remember his name however he is a local martial arts reality based self-defense combatives instructor. He actually invited me to come check things out and if this was true about the note I might even get a chance to sit in on checking this workshop out for free or low cost.

Well sign me up maybe I'm headed down there and I'm actually early because anything worth doing well is worth being early for.

When I met the Promoter, he pulled the training knife on me and then realized that I was in a part of some inside game and challenge. I really like the guy and we spent quite a bit of time talking and I hung out with him because he was holding the event.

As we're sitting there relaxing there is Kelly and his student going over the material that they're going to present as well as a group of Leonard's students huddled up in a corner. One of them had heard the conversation between the promoter and Kelly about who I was. And their group had a conversation about this apparently. It was more like a huddle with a bunch of glares my way and I had no idea what was going on so I just continue talking and having situational awareness.

So the entire group of Leonard students comes over and challenges who I am. And then ask me about why I'm here. When I tell them about the note they get upset and demand that I give them this note and get out of here.

At this point the promoter is dying of laughter. I'll be honest this guy is made out of solid Stone not taller than me but this dude is built thick. I remember this guy not having much of a neck at all. Big huge shoulders that really look like they have a massive amount of muscle... And on top of it this guy's got like three knives plus the training knife.... I happen to be sitting there in shock. However no I'm not going to give you the note I have been instructed by my friend to hand this directly to his friend because it contains a personal message between friends.

The promoter announces a very loud voice about how this entire situation is going to stay on pause for 2 seconds because Kelly is going to have to hear about this.

Mind you now I'm really worried that I'm going to catch heat. And here is one of the most respected martial arts instructors in the world as well as a personal individual that I'd love to train under however distance and funds are going to not allow that.

And next thing you know I'm face to face with Kelly. Himself. THE MAN HIMSELF Yep that's right.

Kelly was very diplomatic extremely professional and demanded that Leonard students go back to their little corner and not say a peep. He was going to have a conversation with Leonard himself.

At this point I am completely stunned floored and Kelly is offering for me to stay and attend. He is actually heard of my friend ran from Leonard. And he's curious about this note now.

I immediately gave Kelly and immediate yes and after a couple more minutes waiting letter shows up and Kelly is the first person to have a conversation with him.

Kelly comes over and I hand a little slip of paper with a heartfelt note between two old training partners. There is a phone number and a request for Leonard to call him. And then on top of it in the old place Leonard asked me what he could do to make up for the situation as well as for bringing the message to him.

My only request was actually bringing up a sacred pact between the two training partners that if they should ever find a student that you could Network the other with... Well it was a personal request.

Leonard said yes never followed through even though I tried calling a bunch.

However a few years ago I was at a ptk seminar in Seattle with Belton Lubas. And Grand tuhon supremo Leo gaje.

And of course who should walk in but the amazing Kelly Worden.

Everybody got pictures and I was a little bit shy and actually just kind of waited until everybody had their conversations and Kelly was leaving.

As he was leaving I just wanted to have a quick word which he did Grant me graciously. Because Kelly is a man of integrity and honor. We knew each other. And ended up having quite a long conversation. Kelly's biggest is that he didn't really have a major Native American influence in his life and I was lucky enough to get medicine man training. A truly and eye-opening experience and connection with very real individual.

Brian Everett
So today I got an exceptionally pointed discussion.

He was actually offended that Mr fake black belt didn't tag him in his first ever Facebook account post.

What a shame Brian actually likes that picture. And is extremely excited for my friend Mike to come train again with us.

So I've been under Brian for I'm going to say a little more than a year? Or is it 2 years now. Well time has definitely flown by.

Brian and Giron escrima or under the Stockton Grand Master Michael Giron. The son of Leo Giron of the world War II alamo scout program during the reconquest of the Philippines from the Japanese.

Which would be a major reason why there is a huge rivalry between Japanese martial arts and Filipino martial arts due to extreme violence during the occupation of Philippine Islands.

As an advanced and indigenous person staff sergeant Leo would work behind enemy lines to provide the United States military forces advanced intelligence. Which due to rules of War as well as the Japanese hatred of individuals spying on them again the rest death or even worse at the hands of the Japanese imperial army.

So he is a head instructor of Original Giron Escrima OGE. A original Stockton California Filipino martial art.

Brian himself has trained with some very amazing people as well as is able to cite numerous awards as well as all of the information not only that I currently work with but on the other systems that he is a full instructor of or ranking instructor...

Skill level? Amazing. Highly skilled and very careful to explain the depths of the technical skills he is imparting to his students.

Currently at the moment he is working on growing the Oregon division.

Just like any technical degree if you have proficiency and you have been awarded rank most times there is certificates involved as well as a little ceremony.

I got that my first time when I was promoted. And I never knew who this guy really was until later.

As I couldn't directly know who was the guy I spoke with? I couldn't correctly cite that. And I didn't feel that I was worthy of such titles.

Don't claim a title. Don't claim something you really are not.

What has happened? Oh this poor kid made a fool out of himself. And is being tracked and looked into.

And.... Blockchain technology. Go ahead and try to change the words but there is a copy...

Martial arts is full of fraud. It's pretty bad. However the Filipino martial arts has been doing a huge movement to clean up the situation and in fighting.

However trying to go use cancel culture around these individuals really doesn't work out very well.

Especially when you are some outsider with absolutely no connection. And nothing but a couple of screenshots to sway individuals to your case.

As for me I was pretty surprised that it didn't come across my feed but due to the Facebook algorithms oh well. However it did come across a bunch of my friends and they really want to know the story.

So basically this guy makes a quick Facebook profile and runs over to Facebook and for his first ever post...

Tries to dox me.

Oh that's kind of silly because I have been on here four some odd years and have posted pictures of me I post pictures of my dog posted pictures of my friends....

I hate to say it but I'm kind of an infamous person. I do try to be a positive individual.

But when I see some garbage copy pasta and then try to talk to somebody who's obviously looking for a fight...

Well this person is no more of a doctor than Dr Phil. Basically a fraud an actor and a jealous Petty small individual who cannot even accept a helping hand.

Well that's my mistake I'm really sorry to have offered support and including you.

And he doesn't post for 6 days and then post up some really crappy work. Something about the history of karate. Which then he really bungles. And for some reason ties that into lyoto machida... The guy that Chael sonnen got pics and video of drinking pee in his back yard..


Yep that's right the secret to training karate and being a super star... Drinking pee... LoL wait... What?

Well shows what you should know before citing a source.

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